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那个衣不蔽体的人拉着一货车破布碎片。The ragged ma fantastic drags a waggon of rag fragments.

一年四季衣不蔽体、食不果腹,在生活的苦海里挣扎。Clothing throughout the year not Biti, the hungry, in the life of Oliver, struggling.

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纵使是食不果腹,衣不蔽体,他们也心满意足。They feel fully satisfied even if they have to eat little food and wear shabby clothes.

无论是锦衣玉食的王子,还是衣不蔽体的流浪儿,只要愿意,就能为自己的人生确立一个目标。Either a prince who lives in luxury or a tramp dressed in rags, can have an aim in life if he will.

一根粗如人臂的缆绳,从几个衣不蔽体的拉纤人一直连系到船头。A tow rope as thick as a man's arm extended from several scantily clothed tow-men, all the way to the bow.

但当我们乘火车从乡间穿过的时候,我们亲眼看见一些人衣不蔽体。But we entered by train and when we were travelling through the countryside we did see some people in rags.

无论是锦衣玉食的王子,还是衣不蔽体的流浪儿,只要愿意,就能为自己的人生确立一个目标。Whether to live an extravagant life of a prince, or be in rags wanderer, if willing, you can make a target.

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亲爱的同胞们,当我们在挑选名牌服装的时候,你是否还记得那些衣不蔽体的父老乡亲?My dear fellow citizens, when we selection of brand-name clothing, you still remember those clothes do not Biti of fellow ?

未来主义绘画中许多女性都衣不蔽体,因为我们可以假定未来的社会风气更开放,或者气温更高,或者两者兼有。With so many scantily clad futuristic females on display, one might assume the future was either wilder or warmer – maybe both!

对于一个衣不蔽体,食不果腹的人来说,有更多的钱,自然能让他赤贫的生活有所改善。If one is in abject poverty, and can barely afford food and shelter, there is no question that more money will make things better.

一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危担心,他却一步一蹭,衣不蔽体地回来了。A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man. However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rage.

你们会把饼分给饥饿的人,会将衣服送给衣不蔽体的人,你们会尽力去帮助那些不幸的人。You will feed those who are hungry and clothe those who need it. You will do everything you can to help those less fortunate than yourselves.

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最终我得出结论,大多数对社交媒体的胡吹海夸都是胡说八道,而且人们,尤其是那些自称社交媒体精英的,大都衣不蔽体。I’ve concluded that most of the hype around social media is nonsense and that people, particularly the self-proclaimed social media elite are clothing-less.

这些孩子没有家,没有食物,也常常衣不蔽体。她没有钱,但是基于爱和同情,她致力为孩子设立学校。She had no money, but through her love and compassion, she managed to start a school for children who had nothing—no homes, no food, and often no clothes on their backs.

“能看到帅哥裸体的机会很少,我在这里感觉很棒,”27岁的销售主管Yana说,她瞄着舞台中央红灯下新出现的两位衣不蔽体的男子。"It's rare to see beautiful men's bodies, I feel good here," said 27 year-old sales executive Yana, glancing up as two more scantily clad men take centre stage under red lights.

才五年前,中国大陆的图书杂志还会因为有衣不蔽体的模特儿照片或内容被官方认定冒犯忌讳、败坏道德,而遭到检查或禁售。But even five years ago, Chinese books and magazines were censored or banned from showing pictures of scantily clad models or publishing content that was deemed offensive or morally corrupt.

以悠闲轻松著称、崇拜太阳的澳大利亚人正遭受来自保守派的威胁,他们要求女性不得在一些国家最受欢迎的沙滩上衣不蔽体!Australia's reputation as a laid-back, easy-going nation of sunworshippers is under threat from a plan by conservatives to force women to cover up on some of the country's most popular beaches.