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就像我说的,古怪。Like I said, quirky.

这种类型的男人看起来有点古怪。This one looks a bit odd.

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嘿,这顶帽子真古怪!Blimey , that's a funny hat!

这是一个古怪的发型。That is a wacky hair-do man.

嗬嗬,那些古怪的动物!Heh heh, those wacky animals!

我告诉你,他们生来就这么古怪。I tell you they’re born queer.

一起编古怪的歌。Make up a silly song together.

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里面是古怪的方块字。In square, grotesque characters.

现实中存在着古怪的角色倒转。There is a curious role reversal.

生活够多么古怪!多么变化莫测!How life is strange and changeful!

狄拉克性情古怪、难于相处。Dirac was an odd and difficult man.

弥漫着古怪猫腥味的潮湿沙滩。The curious cat-smell of damp sand.

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是我变成了一个古怪的收藏者吗?。Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder?

这看起来很古怪么?Anything look odd about that? I said.

他们个个睁大眼睛,瞧着我穿的古怪服装。They all goggled at my funny clothes.

哇啊哇!中国也有古怪的人!Wow ! There are Wackos in China too !

它描述了古怪的法耶德家族。It describes the bizarre Fayed menage.

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这并不让我们认为很古怪或者诡异。This, we do not consider odd or weird.

每个工作的地方都有古怪的人。And every work place has quirky people.

再见,你这个可怜的、古怪的小男人。Good-bye, you poor, strange little man.