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第四类是写景诗。The forth kind is scenery poetry.

写景细致是这篇散文的一个突出特点。One of the main features of this essay is its detailed description of scenery.

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谢氏子弟以画为诗,显示出高超的写景技巧,为我国山水诗的发展做出了积极的贡献。They have made a positive contribution to the development of China's landscape poems.

采用比兴写景述事,以抒发感情。It expresses its masters emotions by describing the scenery and narrating the stories.

本文以姜夔的写景抒情词、恋情词、咏物词三种题材的作品为例论述了姜夔词的距离感。This paper, based on the three cases of his Ci, discusses the distance sense in his Ci.

对其纪游写景诗的研究,是了解诗人全部创作风貌的重要密钥。A study of his travel poems is an important key to understanding the style of his whole literary works.

但是在诗歌的主题、写景、内在气质等方面,颜、谢存在很大差异。However, their poems have touch difference in the facets of subject, describing scenery and internal temperament.

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研究表明,写景诗通过图形和背景的转移和变换来给读者呈现变换的写景画面。The result shows that scenery poems display the scenic picture through the shift and change of figure and ground.

这是画家思想情感的自然流露,写景抒情朴实宛如“绿色食品”一样。"This is the artist thinking of emotion Of something very natural to us, Xie Jing lyric like a simple "green food".

字句深浅抒情真,意境交融虚实分。铺叙平快多联想,比兴托物写景新。Words really deep lyric, artistic conception and divide blending. Even more quickly than flat Association, hold the scenery new.

在和平年代,我或许会写些词藻华美或专写事物写景的书,几乎意识不到我政治上的取舍。In a peaceful age! might have written ornate or merely descriptive books, and might have remained almost unaware of my political loyalties.

首先,本章从诗歌内容这一角度将项斯的诗歌分为时事诗、写景诗、宗教诗和交往诗四个类别。First of all, the poetry will be divided into current affairs poetry, scenery poetry, religious poetry and communication poetry by contacts.

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当一个人想写一篇写景的诗时,一幅山水云峰图便显现出来,乃是极美极雅之地。When one wishes to write a landscape poem, then one sets forth a world of streams and rocks, clouds and peaks -the utmost in beauty and elegance.

正文三、四、五部分从诗歌本体的角度,具体由抒情、写景、语言三个方面探讨储诗艺术特色。Viewed from the aspect of poem's noumenon, Chapter Three, Four, and Five are devoted to lyric art, describing scenery art, language art of his poem.

本文按年代顺序,来描述地貌表示法的三种主要类型—写景符号法、水平投影法和地景仿真法的发展演变及其文化与技术背景和关键人物。The paper describes the evolution of 3D relief presentations and the related background of culture and technology as well as important persons chronologically.

大致说来,咏物写景诗、写妇女和男女情怀的诗、离别叙怀诗是其诗歌创作的主要题材取向。In the second part, based on the checking and analyzing of the works of the Group, efforts are focused on the analyzing their poem creating from the angle of subject choosing.

其次,南朝的边塞乐府诗全篇似盛唐边塞诗者还是极少的,常见的是某些写景状物的句子具有盛唐风貌。Second the poetry about frontier fortress in South Dynasty that is like ones in Sheng Tang Dynasty wholly is very small except some poetry which depict the scenery of frontier.

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第二,晚唐写景诗精美而缺乏气势,咏物诗偏爱吟咏细小纤柔的事物,特别是对女性居住环境的细致描写,也构成了与词类似的特征。Secondly, the Late-Tang landscape poems are delicate and vigorless, with a focus on describing the tiny and subtle things, especially the environment of the residence for females.

俳句的精神浸染,使“小诗”擅长写景和注意纯粹的诗意建构,具有一种“冥想”的理趣和感伤的情调。Under the influence of haiku, the Chinese short poem focused on describing the landscape and constructing poetic atmosphere, so that it conveyed a hint of meditation and sentiment.

在艺术表现方法上,他在继承的同时也有所发展、有所创造,在写景、用事、抒情等各方面形成了自己的艺术个性。In the respect of its technique of expression, he develops and creates as well as inherits, and forms his own artistic style in depicting scenery, quoting classical allusions and expressing emotions.