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我们都向桌子围拢来。We all drew around at the desk.

随即,多名保安围拢过来。Then, more than security over crowded.

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朋友们,大伙围拢起来,听新闻!Gather round, friends, and hear the news!

当警察逮捕罪犯时,旁观者围拢过来。Passers –by crowded round the policeman as be made his arrest.

她递给我一个包裹时,其他图书管理员也围拢了过来。The other librarians gathered around as she handed me a package.

当狼围拢来进攻时,野猪来回走动,不知所措。The wild boar backed and filled as the wolves circled and took nips.

大约30多个女孩蜂拥而至迅速围拢上来,在汽车耀眼的大灯前显出绰约的风姿。About 30 girls swarm around it, posing in the glare of its headlights.

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每当事故发生时,不知道从哪儿来的人群就围拢了过来。Every time there is an accident, a crowd seems to gather from nowhere.

机器人逐渐向统治者们围拢,显然那儿是它们程序设定的目标。The droids re-converged on the rulers. Obviously they were programmed to target them.

薇薇带来一只兔子进场,大家都围拢过来摸摸新年的喜气。Weiwei brought a rabbit, everyone came to touch it for a better luck in the New Year.

至少在部落,大家聚集到一起围拢在火堆旁,而你自己就愚蠢地喝闷酒吸闷烟去吧。At least tribal, you all gather round a nice big fire, drink and smoke yourself silly.

那位表亲一到,这群人就围拢在科罗姆的电脑前,一起观看这段录像。The cousin arrived, and the group gathered around Colom’s computer to watch the video.

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但是我则不同,把他们邀请到我的大篷车,围拢在篝火旁,饮着家酿的苹果酒。But I invite them back to my caravan instead to have homemade cider around the campfire.

那些人一定会像蜜蜂围绕蜂房一般地向她围拢来,因而希礼将她带开去,和她单独谈几分钟话。Then somehow she would maneuver to get a few minutes alone with him, away from the crows.

克里斯莫斯告诉渐渐围拢过来的人群他会负责赔偿,平息了事态。Christmas defuses the situation by telling the growing crowd that he will pay for the damage.

其他的人透一口气,又一次围拢来,毫不留情,势不可当,狰狞残忍。The others, drawing a second's breath, closed in again, implacable, unconquerable, ferocious.

青蛙围拢在我们周围,我可以看见它们露出水面的头和眼睛。The frogs crowded around us, I could see their heads and eyes showing above the top of the water.

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如果二个区域相交当几何图形被叠加,线围拢组合入一条线。If two zones intersect when the polygons are superimposed, the lines they surround combine into one line.

阿瓦萨镇的学校订在放假,一辆驴车来到一个公共广场,停靠在树荫下,一群孩子围拢了过来。It is school-closing time in Awassa. A donkey-drawn wagon trundles into a public square and children come.

鸟类的许多老年人已经选择了前几年的队友,但所有的幼鸽围拢。Many of the older birds have already chosen their mates in the years before, but all the young birds gathered round.