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还下降了一个百分点。in the last 7 years.

价格可能下降。Prices will drop back.

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他的净值下降。His net worth declines.

销售量下降了。Sales have dropped off.

销售量已下降了。Sales have dropped off.

我下降“"I had made a descent."

利息覆盖率下降到328。Low interest rate to 328.

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飞机正在下降。The plane was descending.

价格下降。The prices are declining.

溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降。A yo-yo can rise and fall.

股票价格也下降了。Their stock price dropped.

我们的市场份额在下降。Our market share is dro ing.

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如果服务器价格下降怎么办?What if the server goes down?

团队士气开始下降。Team morale starts to decline.

上升再下降。And it rises and then it falls.

启动下降段开始氦加压。Enables descent start He press.

矮胖的人有大的下降。Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

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判罚核心的公关下降到3!Sizzled Core's PR dropped to 3!

开始也在呈下降趋势。Stratis is also in a downtrend.

汽球在下降。The balloon is descending down.