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并不会因为你年资高就会有工作了。Being a senior does not get you a job.

我们的分红结构以前是按年资算,现在是按表现算。Our bonus structure was based on seniority, but now it's performance-based.

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之后,属下才能依照年资浅浅啜饮一口。Only then can his subordinates take a sip in strict observance of their seniority.

其留用劳动者的工作年资,应由新雇主继承予以承认。The seniority of retained laborers will be inherited and acknowledged by the new employer.

在这个新形态的社会里,年资的长短和薪水不一定成正比。In this new type society, the length of service isn't always directly proportional to salary.

总而言之,韩寒在告诉他的读者,庄严之物和年资都不足凭信。Taken together, Han is telling his readersthat solemnity and seniority are not to be trusted.

其留用劳工之工作年资,应由新雇主继续予以承认。The new employer shall recognize the prior period of service of those workers to be retained.

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外科医生的年资和病人的满意程度影响了评价结果的差异。Discrepancies in outcome ratings were influenced by surgeon seniority and patient satisfaction.

结果经过系统培训的低年资的护士能快速适应胸心外科的护理工作。Result Systemicly-trained junior nurses could quickly adapt to the cardiothoracic nursing work.

方法在排班上,挑选高年资、高学历、高素质的护士,任主管护士。Methods We selected the elder, high educational degree, good quality nurses to be charge nurses.

医生的基本情况包括年资与结果无相关性。No relation was found between the results and physician demographic factors, including seniority.

结果低年资护士上报护理相关安全事件661件,措施流程改进28项。Results Low-seniority nurses reported 661 nursing related errors and 28 processing were improved.

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后处理图像与DSA图像分别有2位放射科高年资医师用双盲法进行分析和评价。The post-processing images and DSA were analyzed and evaluated by 2 radiologists at double blinded.

由两位高年资诊断医生和一位主管技师采用双盲法集体评片。The result was interpreted by two senior doctors and a diagnostic technician who were doubleblinded.

然而,临床经验中的年资深浅并不影响医师们对癌症疼痛处理的知识与态度。However, seniority or length of clinical practice did not improve knowledge or affect attitudes toward CPM.

具有神经质、内向性的个体及低年资、低文化程度的救援军人是心理干预的重点人群。The younger soldiers with less education, who have nervous, introversive character, are the emphasis crowd.

伯德于1958年代表西弗吉尼亚州被选入参议院,是美国历史上年资最长的参议员。The longest-serving senator in American history was first elected to the Senate to represent West Virginia in 1958.

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学校类别、担任校长的年资、性别、学校区域等背景变项,在校长工作选择量表的得分有差异情形存在。The level of schools, years of principalship , gender, and districts could make differences on principal's job choice.

目的将情景模拟法运用于低年资护士入院宣教培训,提高病人的满意度和低年资护士的综合素质。Objective To probe into application of situational simulation of nurse-patient roles in management of nursing service quality.

而护理人员以年龄较小、护理年资资浅及家中排行老二者感受较大的工作压力。In addition, participants who were younger, less experienced, or the second child of the family had significantly greater job stress.