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小冰高就是它的名字。And Bingo was his name.

小冰高就是它的名字,噢!And Bingo was his name oh.

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如果不知道,最好还是另谋高就。If you don't, you are not.

并不会因为你年资高就会有工作了。Being a senior does not get you a job.

对你的工作厌倦了?何不另谋高就?Sick of your job? Why can't you leave?

我老板叫我"另谋高就"。My boss told me to find a "better" job.

价格比收废品的高就处理了。Price of waste collection job processing.

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我们登得愈高就愈冷。The higher up we go, the colder it becomes.

没有胆识,难得高就。No one reaches a high position without daring.

个子高就打篮球来说是一个优势。Being tall is an advantage in playing basketball.

“祝此文能于他处另寻高就”,信里说。Good luck placing this elsewhere, the letter read.

在设置里把灵敏度调高就没问题了。Turning it up in the settings solved that problem.

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一棵树会长多高?它能长多高就会长多高。How tall will a tree grow?As tall as it possibly can.

你可以接受,或者另谋高就。You can either accept it, or you can find another job.

可是这里这么高就是有鱼也看不到啊。Bur it's so tall it'd be difficult to see any fish from here.

他常以辞职相要挟,我们终于让他另谋高就。He always said he would quit, so we finally called his bluff.

我给他的建议是,马上更新自己的简历,另谋高就。My recommendation to him was that he start updating his résumé.

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“我跳得多高就有多爱你!”小兔子笑着跳上跳下。"I love you as high as Ican hop! " laughed Little Nutbrown Hare.

我不消助我办理那个题目。以及你聊一高就对于我无匡助。You don't help me to solve this ― it helps me just to talk to you.

你为什么不另谋高就以使自己得到发展呢?Why don't you find a new job or new company that will allow you to grow?