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这一套话证实完全是假的。The story proved quite false.

他讲了一些老套话作为开场白。He preluded with some banal remarks.

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你那套话骗不过你父亲的。You can’t palm off that story on your father.

不过她并不听他这套话,很义乌仿真花批发快地走下了楼梯。But she did not listen to him, and rapidly descended the stairs.

我也想对这里的老师们说,原谅我的老套话,你们可能早已烂熟于心了。And the old people here. Forgive me for platitude that you know so well.

这听起来像是套话,不过没有一个强有力的团队,在绿茵场你是不会赢得任何东西的。It sounds like a cliche, but without a strong group you win nothing in football.

只有一些出版物和研究者这么做,因为他们要面对公众,说的是套话。Only the press and certain researchers do, when speaking in sound bites to the public.

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新闻界对问题的深入分析避之不及,却止于煽情的套话。In-depth analysis of a problem is anathema to the press. It stops at sensational formulas.

大多数发言人擅用"套话"来搪塞记者提问。Most spokespeople are experts at doling out cut and dried answers to reporters' questions.

记者们常常说‘从人嘴里套话’---这是采访技巧的别称。Journalists often talk about "getting someone to talk" – shorthand for interviewing skills.

披露内容大部分为空话、套话,甚至有的照搬以前年度的报告内容。Disclosure content mostly empty words, rhetoric, and even some copy before the annual report.

“当然我爱你,真心真意地爱你。”他顺口说了这句老掉牙的套话。Of course I love you. With my all heart. " The hackneyed phrase came unintended to his lips."

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贸易、发展与政治改革的关系并不仅是一句套话。The connection between trade, development, and political reform is not just a throwaway line.

周大福的招股说明书中的语言大多为套话,但其中也不乏一些真知灼见。Much of the language is boiler-plate stuff typically found in a listing prospectus. But there are some gems.

现在有的公文空话、套话、废话连篇,架屋叠床,原来中国的“文山会海”由此而来。Now some document empty words, cliches, talk downright nonsense, Jiawudiechuang, originally China "meetings" from this and come.

大话、空话、套话和废话是人们最厌烦的话,不论口上说不说,心里都是烦的。Dahua, empty talk, the polite and nonsense is people the most boring words, whatever mouth speak, the in the mind are really annoying.

跟他们交流下,不要光顾着说什么下一首辣妹的歌曲由谁谁谁改编、被称做某某某一类的套话。Talk to them, and please say more than the obligatory "This next Spice Girls' song was arranged by so-and-so and it's called blah-blah."

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我们必须小心过时的“套话”,如果外国人认为所有的内地中国人还都穿着蓝色的中山装岂不荒谬?We must beware of outdated stereotypes. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if foreigners thought that all mainlanders still dressed in blue Mao suits?

谈及强项时,不要滔滔不绝地给自己脸上贴金--但也不要用一句放之四海皆准的套话来回答。When it comes to discussing strengths, don't give yourself an endlessly glowing review -- but don't go with a one-size-fits-all answer, either.

然而千篇一律的套话和不能兑现的假话将会大大降低自身的信誉度,所以应该尽量避免。On the contrary, clichs and unsubstantial lies dramatically reduce credibility, which should be averted, according to a source from the matrimonial company.