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中义印制洋红色墨的印版。The plate that prints magenta ink.

这可都是用雕版印刷术印制出来的。They were all printed using carved blocked.

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使用通过ISO认证的环保油墨印制。Printed using bio-friendly, ISO-certified inks.

第二组用模版印制装船唛头。The second group stencilled the shipping marks.

约在1450年,他印制了著名的四十二行圣经。He produced the famed 42-line bible at about 1450.

他们是由一组精挑细选出来的印刷商印制的。They are printed by a select group of lithographers.

他的印刷厂开始大量印制图书。His printing press began the mass production of books.

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书的腰封印制了这本书自己的环保宣言。The book’s girth makes its own environmental statement.

通过举债和印制钞票可以防止通缩。Deflation can be avoided through debt and money printing.

一九一○年代明信片,法国印制。Circa 1910s postcard printed in France, publisher unknown.

纸底有粘性的纸,常作印制标签用。Paper with adhesive backing, mainly used for label printing.

他们用优质纸印制了这本书的特别版。They printed a special issue of the book on high-quality paper.

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你还可以印制一些带有二人签名的杯垫或酒巾。You can also print some two signatures or wine coasters napkin.

北京绅凯服装提供印制服务,图案、字体均可。Beijing Shen Kai garment printing service, pattern, font can be.

然后通货膨胀就会发生,因为他们印制了所有的货币。Then you'd have inflation because they're printing all this money.

在2兆像素规模内的相机能做出大好的标准印制相片。Dameras in the 2-megapixel range can make very good standard prints.

有领并一边印制商标,商标为六色织唛。Taped collar. Printed care label on side. Six color woven brandlabel.

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通过电子邮箱你能收到礼品卡,或者通过邮寄收到印制的礼品卡。You can receive your gift card by email, printed form or in the mail.

其中FRSC-1010III机型在自动封口和印制标签的同时设置有抽气功能。Model FRSC-1010III has air suction function while sealing and printing.

凹印制版方法中传统的方法是照相凹版制版法。Gravure method is in the traditional method of rotogravureseihan method.