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我是勇猛。I am valor.

那士兵作战勇猛。The soldiers fought gallantly.

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坚韧不拔有别于勇猛。Fortitude is distinct from valour.

那个士兵如狮子般勇猛。The soldier was as brave as a lion.

缺了最亲爱的一个,最勇猛的一个,让·勃鲁维尔。One of the most valiant. Jean Prouvaire.

虎象征勇猛刚强。The tiger symbolises bravery and strength.

望,智慧与勇猛,我的问候,许诺。Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments, Promise.

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虎本来就很稀少,勇猛为兽中之王。Hu had very few, brave as the king of beast.

科比25分进账,皮尔斯勇猛拿下38分。Kobe scored 25 and Pierce scored 38 bravely.

约翰在篮球场上像蓝波一样勇猛。John is a real Rambo in the basketball court.

你的父亲知道龙过于勇猛的下场。Your father knew the dangers of being over-bold.

我们只是勇猛的评估与乐队到哪儿去。We're just sorta assessing where to go with the band.

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生肖专家说他们是强壮、有竞争力和勇猛的。Astrologists say they are strong, competitive, and fierce.

汤姆勇猛无畏地痛打抢劫犯,很快就把他们打跑了。Fearlessly, Tom lashed into the robbers, who soon ran away.

舞棍要勇猛,快速,有力。Stick dancing should be bold, powerful, quick and forceful.

饥饿时,它会以勇猛的决心去追捕猎物。When hungry it goes after its prey with fierce determination.

巴尔博亚是一位以勇猛和喜欢争吵闻名的年轻人。Balboa had a reputation as a fierce and quarrelsome young man.

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他勇猛而有活力,但他同样也有失落的时候。He is full of valour and vigour , but he also has depression.

反复的虎扑动作表现出老虎威武勇猛的神态。The repeated springs show the tiger's mighty and valorous looks.

他勇猛无畏地痛打袭击者,很快他们都逃跑了。He fearlessly lammed into his attackers, and soon they all fled away.