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疥疮,学名疥螨。This is a scabies mite.

疥螨会引起疥疮。Itch mites cause scabies.

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疥疮是由阴虱引起的。Scabies is caused by pubic lice.

有几种方法治疗疥疮。There are several ways to treat scabies.

疥疮,皮疹和杀虫,止痒。For scabies, skin rash and Insecticidal, anti-itch.

一种药剂,用于杀灭引起发痒的疥疮的小虫。A drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies.

想得到一张诊断为疥疮,可以很沮丧。Trying to get a diagnosis for scabies can be very frustrating.

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没有任何症状也可能感染上了疥疮。People can be infested with scabies without having any symptoms.

可治疗眼目青盲、翳膜遮眼及小儿疥疮。Treatable eyes Qingmang, Yi Film cover eyes and children scabies.

疥疮是由疥螨引发的一种皮肤病。Scabies is a skin condition caused by a mite called Sarcoptes scabiei.

“感兴趣的人以上文章”疥疮,您应该做些什么呢?People interested in the above article Scabies , What Should You Do Now?

疥疮是一种拥挤环境居住的人的主要疾病。Scabies is mainly a disease of people living together in cramped quarters.

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村中所有人都患了疥疮队工中也有好几个患上了。Everyone in the village has scabies and even some of the team are getting it.

二丁酯-OP乳化剂是一种安全可靠、高效的疥疮治疗药物。Din-buty phthalate-OP emulsion is safe and high-performance in treating scabies.

根状茎食用。药用使用的全株治疗创伤的伤和疥疮。Rhizomes edible. Entire plant used medicinally to treat traumatic injury and scabies.

在诊断疥疮时,医生要作检查化验确定疥疮的诊断。When diagnostic scabies , the doctor wants to check assay to decide the diagnosis of scabies.

在塞内加尔的社区,局部涂抹苯酸苄酯治疗疥疮的效果明显好于口服依维菌素。Topical BB was clearly more effective than oral IV for treating scabies in a Senegalese community.

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得了疥疮一个月后才确诊。请问。该怎么快速无痛苦的治疗?。Got scabies diagnose of the ability after a month. Excuse me. How should have painful cure quickly?

“七年之痒”这个说法来源于一种难治的皮肤病——疥疮,这种症状可以持续7年之久。Originally, the “seven-year itch” referred to an untreatable skin condition called scabies that lasted seven years.

陕西西安戒毒所内,一个戒毒者在铁筒中用硫磺熏疗疥疮。In xi'an new city's drug rehabilitation center a cured patient is fuming sulfur in an iron canister to cure an itch.