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有着一把公家的钥匙!A government key!

有着婴儿肥。With the baby fat.

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他有着坎坷的一生。He has a bumpy life.

从那天起,艾博特先生有着热情发明一种新药。From that day on ,Mr.

布什执政时,他有着出色的表现He's brilliant at Bush.

猫有着锋利的脚爪。Cats have very sharp claws.

那男子有着强壮有力的肌肉。The man has sinewy muscles.

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但是P.D.有着一个更伟大的想法。But P.D. had a grander idea.

琅玡台有着悠久的历史。Lonagyatai has a long history.

他有着亲切沙哑的声线。He had a pleasant, husky voice.

于是,我是个有着阴恶影响力的人。I'm not an attemptod influence.

有着古旧的怪兽滴水嘴的那个。The one with the old gargoyles.

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百度与其有着合作关系。We had a partnership with them.

理想主义有着现实的意义。There is real value in idealism.

科里-布鲁尔有着光明的未来。Corey Brewer has a bright future.

他有着公牛一样的坏脾气。He had a temper as bad as a bull.

她对时尚有着独到的眼光。She has an amazing eye for style.

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中国有着巨大的人才库。So the talent pool there is huge.

安有着大眼睛,小巧的鼻子。Ann has big eyes and a small nose.

佛教徒有着无尽的理想。The Buddhist has plenty of ideals.