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他运球娴熟。He dribbles skillfully.

但他们的技术惊人地娴熟。But they are surprisingly tech-savvy.

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我队的两名后卫技巧娴熟地防守。Our two guards defended with great skill.

那铁匠技术娴熟地锻造马的蹄铁。The smith forged the plow with great skill.

和技术娴熟的工人在砌体了墙上。And a skilled worker was bricking up the wall.

茶博士为顾客提供良好的服务,娴熟地沏茶。Why should the company provide the good service?

一名技术娴熟的技师训练他们如何驾驶坦克。A highly skilled technician trained them to drive tank.

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他们浅薄娴熟,但是非常具有讽刺性和批判性,非常的棒!They are kitschy but very ironic and critical. I like it.

劳利技巧娴熟,优雅无比,面带必胜的喜悦。Laurie had great skill, dazzling grace, and a winning smile.

穆斯林弓箭手对东方式复合弓使用娴熟。They are skilled wielders of the eastern style composite bow.

但可惜他却成为了又一个技术娴熟的足球骗子。Instead he is just another very skillful, cheating footballer.

而那条道路应该是创始人能够娴熟驾御的。That path should be one that founders can skillfully navigate.

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大匠运斤形容人技艺精湛或文笔娴熟高超。Great artisan yun jin describe skilled or highly adept writing.

约翰很娴熟地将船引进了那个小港湾。With great skill, John piloted the boat into the little harbour.

技巧的娴熟运用和诗意的抒情都需要培养。both technical command and poetic lyricism need to be cultivated.

张杰是一位难得一见的中英文歌曲演唱都十分娴熟的歌手。Jason is a rare Chinese and English songs are very skilled singer.

他素描画得很娴熟,突然,艾贝提议去滑雪。he was skilful at sketching. Suddenly, Abe suggested to go skiing.

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这招并蒂莲花,使得很是娴熟!This recruits to combine Di lotus and make quite is be versed with!

茶博士为顾客提供良好的服务,娴熟地沏茶。They provide good service and skillfully brew tea for tea customers.

他一边哼着黄梅小调,一边娴熟的捡着棚里的鸭蛋。He hums a song as he skillfully picks up the duck eggs inside the shed.