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他从百科全书中摘抄了有关资料。He copied the relevant data out of the encyclopaedia.

史钞,摘抄史部书的史籍。History notes, excerpt of the history books history books.

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成长是摘抄本上的一首首小诗。或欢快或哀怨,开心时高声吟唱,低落时黯然泪流。Growth is a little poem on this excerpt. Or happy or sad, happy to sing, cry down stream.

好的词、句、段可以在书上圈圈画画或者摘抄下来。A good word, sentence, paragraph could be in the book excerpt on the circle, or draw down.

他表示,目前最常见的就是从网上摘抄并粘贴。He says that by far the most commonplace form these days is cutting and pasting from the internet.

比赛的技术统计看上去就像是从超级白痴下流动作指南中摘抄下来的。The box score from the game reads like something out of The Complete Idiot's Guide To Ass Whoopin'.

以上是我摘抄的到的一句话,细细品味,说得真的很有道理。The above is a few words which I excerpt arrive, savors carefully, really said makes sense very much.

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我的摘抄当然是主观的,所以你的结果可能有所不同,但你可以到任何的新闻网站去试验一下。My picks are subjective of course, so yours may be different, but try it for yourself on any news site.

总理喜欢引用MR报告中摘抄的句子,尤其是关于更多的花费联邦财政款项的部分。Premiers love to quote Mr. Romanow's report selectively, especially the parts about more federal money.

艾米•李没有在文中添加任何内容,也没有进行任何分析,属于纯粹的摘抄。Lee didn't add anything or provide any analysis or anything other than a summary of someone else's work.

节录本是指摘抄原文件部分内容的书证。" Excerpts " refers to the documentary evidence copied down from parts of the contents of the reserved copy.

我拍拍同桌袁慧君的胳膊想和他说说寒假趣事发现她在写摘抄!I patted the arm deskmate Yuan Huijun want to talk about the winter, he found that she was writing Qushi excerpt!

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摘抄是个避免浮躁的方法。但许多聪明人听了会觉得是个笨法。Excerpt was to avoid the impulsive approach. But many intelligent people listening might think it is a stupid law.

这里要谈的都是从别处和别人那里摘抄过来的,但是觉得意义深刻,整理一下,拿来粘贴。Most of the things I will include here are copied somewhere else. I am just putting them together with my comments.

麦克尼尔过去要求学生在自己的读后感中摘抄好的段落、分析主题思想。She required that the students record their impressions of each book, citing specific passages and analyzing themes.

但是如果摘抄没有信用,即使你按照自己的语言重新组织还是会被认为是剽窃。But if copied material appears without credit, it could be considered plagiarized even if you rewrote it in your own words.

课余时间选一些适合自己的简单有趣英语读物,摘抄一些常用单词,不断积累扩大词汇量。Spare time to choose some suitable simple interesting English books, extract of some commonly used words, enlarge vocabulary accumulation.

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如为活产,则从医院病例记录中摘抄婴儿出生体重、性别、分娩时间等信息。If the pregnancy outcome was live birth, we would extract information such as baby's birth weight, sex and birth date from hospital records.

特别声明本博所有所标明的文章都摘抄自当地报纸杂志,版权归作者所有。Please noted that all the noted articles are excerpted from the local newspapers and magazines, all copyrights are held by their respective owners.

如果你认为这些话是从社会企业家描述他们商业哲学的演讲中摘抄出来的话,也是可以被原谅的。You could be forgiven for thinking that these words had been lifted from the speech of a social entrepreneur to describe their business philosophy.