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培养高素质的青年党政干部,是一个重大的战略性课题。It is a great strategic project to foster the high quality young carders.

本文就煤矿基层党政建设工作做了一个简单谈讨。This paper made a simple discussion on the grass-roots party building work.

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大量的党政集团以维基泄密网的名义进行地址的链接。A number of governments block access to any address with WikiLeaks in the name.

反对阵营承认由史达林描绘的党政机构吗?Are the opposition recognizable as members of the same party described by Stalin ?

政党执政和党政关系构成国家政治文明中至关重要的政治要素。The party-government relation is a fundamental issue in modern democratic politics.

一些地方已经沦为地方党政官员的私人封地。Some localities have degenerated into private fiefdoms run by local party officials.

全球化为我们带来了党政关系的多种模式。The globalization brought the multiform relationship of between the party and government.

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腐败是党政干部滥用人民权力的结果。Corruption results from the Party and government cadres' abusing their power and position.

本届党政领导班子年富力强,团结奋进,富有战斗力。The current party leadership the prime of life, forging ahead in unity and full of fighting.

四川各级党政、民政部门全力投入到抗旱救灾各项工作中。Sichuan party, civil affairs departments at all levels to drought disaster relief to the work.

方法采用经过修订的工作倦怠量表对河南省处级党政干部进行调查。Methods The middle-ranking party and governmental cadres in Henan Province assessed by revised MBI.

因此,修订更适用于党政领导干部的16PF,并制定相应的常模已显得十分重要和紧迫。Therefore, the modification of 16PF for party and governmental cadres becomes necessary and urgent.

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是党政各部门、机关内部使用,不对外开放的机密重地。It is a confidential place employed exclusively for the departments of the Party and the Government.

结论年龄偏大和参加工作时间较长的处级党政干部的工作倦怠问题更值得关注。Conclusion The age is litter older and have worked long years cadres job burn out need more concerned.

煤炭行业作为国家的基础行业,其党政建设在当中起着引导性的作用。The coal industry as the country's basic industries, the Party building in which plays a leading role.

本研究旨在系统研究基层党政领导干部的人格特点及其与行为风格的关系。This research was aimed at exploring the personality and behavior style of local government executives.

“我们需要一个统一的社会,”这位党政官员继续说道,为了达到目的,“我们需要统一的历史书。”"We need a united society," the apparatchik goes on, and to achieve that end, "we need a united textbook".

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随着改革的推进,上海各级党政部门和学者纷纷开始关注党政人才交流制度的改革问题。With the reforming, more and more Party and Government Department and scholars pay attention on the question.

论文主要侧重于对我国党政领导干部选任制的研究,全文共分三部分。Focusing on the study on the selection and appointment system in China, this paper is composed of there parts.

8月27日至28日,省委书记周强率湖南党政代表团访问广东。On August 27-28, Wei recorder in the province cycle political delegation in strong rate Hunan visit Guangdong.