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她把持着让我一直在她身体里。She kept holding me inside her.

那是仍然由熊市把持的点位。The bear market would still be in control.

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把持卡者姓名改变成另外一个不同的姓名Change cardholder's name to a different one

谁将主理主办把持会议,还不得而知。Who will chair the meeting is still unknown.

信心铭直解但少有人可操作把持它。But so few people ca fantjust liketic hold it.

如果你一直把持不定,将没有解决的方法。There's no solution if you keep dithering around.

我对你的爱就像是泻肚子一样,让我把持不住。My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it.

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政府逐渐撤消对经营活动的把持。A bit-by-bit abatement of government control over business.

权奸严嵩父子把持朝政,军队无能。QuanGan YanSong father and son holding, the army incompetence.

批评人士把该法的实施看作是纳吉布把持权力的一个手段。Critics see the new laws as a way for Najib to hold on to power.

在茫茫然的汪洋,来回把持船的方向盘。In the vacant sea, back and forth dominates ship's steering wheel.

到目前为止,甚至幼儿园和学前班把持着毕业生。Yet there are even kindergartens and pre-schools that hold graduations.

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所以把持不朱膜薄量是色彩还原的不主给霸术。So control ink film thickness is an important means for color reduction.

调情与意外的性进展之间只一步之遥,要谨慎把持。There is a gulf between flirting and unwanted sexual advances so beware.

我想说的是,我们都知道珍总是把持不住自己所拥有的东西!I mean, we all know how poor Jen Aniston has trouble holding onto things!

要是你选择醉椒,剂量要把持在60和120毫克之间,在睡前应用。If you're using kava, try a dose of between 60 and 120 mg before bedtime.

在七场比赛中,雷纳把持的大门保持了六场零封对手。The scoreline followed a run of six clean sheets in seven games for Reina.

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可是腹上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,把持我的哪怕一举手一投脚。There are lots of shining silvery threads on my back, controlling all my action.

采用镍涂层为金刚石磨料,可以提高锯丝的金刚石把持强度。Using Ni-coated diamonds can improve the diamond retaining strength of the wire.

党内象莱伊之流的混蛋和流氓把持了政府与军事机构。Party fools and plug-uglies like Ley permeated the state and military structures.