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擦擦眼泪。Wipe your tears.

但擦干眼泪。But dry your eyes.

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眼泪停止了。The tears stopped.

开心笑到流眼泪。Laugh till you cry.

她轻轻拭去他的眼泪。Shed away his tears.

掉鳄鱼的眼泪。Shed crocodile tears.

别掉下眼泪。Don't drop down tears.

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她的眼泪一下子涌了出来。Her tears sallied out.

眼泪就像海上的盐粒。Tears as the sea salt.

眼泪使她的双眼模糊。Tears misted her eyes.

我感觉到了她的眼泪。I could feel the tears.

我的孩子,拭干你的眼泪。Baby mine, dry your eyes.

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擦干眼泪,振作起来!Dry your tears. Dheer up.

她便看不得我们的眼泪。She cannot see our tears.

你这么干的眼泪,我医师。So dry your tears, I seh.

眼泪涌到她的眼眶里。Tears sprang to her eyes.

为什么你的眼泪流干了?Why your tears dry clear?

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我不能抑制我的眼泪。I can't restrain my tears.

她眨着眼止住眼泪。She blinked to stop tears.

她强忍住眼泪。She dammed back her tears.