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恶语比利剑更伤人。Words cut more than swords.

我是烈火中的利剑,干柴旁的守卫。I am the watcher near the dry wood.

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他利剑出鞘,冲我而来。He came towards me with a drawn sword.

奈尔迦尔,强大利剑挥动者,记住!NERGAL, Wielder of the Mighty Sword, Remember!

手执利剑的人已经推翻了王室贵胄。Men of the sword had overthrown nobles and kings.

筷子应当充当钳子而非利剑。Chopsticks should be treated like tongs not swords!

比较“是一把利剑会直接刺到人的心中。Comparison is a sword that cuts right to the heart.

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他可能会接受缓期起诉,类似于以观后效的查看,也相当于悬在伊森头顶的一把利剑。Kind of a quiet probation. Sword over Ethan’s head.

利剑保镖公司安全知识讲座-第二期!!!Safety lectures – Sword bodyguard company second! ! !

达摩克利斯抬头望见这把利剑时,大惊失色。Damocles looked up and saw that the sword when alarmed.

在耶稣生活的时代,他是一把刺向统治秩序的利剑。Jesus was a threat to the ruling order at the time he lived.

真是羞愧啊,在众多嘲笑者中,我听见自己的嘲讽声如利剑刺出。Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice, Call out among the scoffers.

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所罗门王听完,就叫我过来,下令让我用一把利剑把那个婴儿斩成两半。King Solomon said to me to bring a sword and cut the baby in half.

三寸舌可砍倒六尺高的男人。人言非利剑却能伤人。The tongue is only inches long but it can cut down a man 6 feet tall.

成为一个骑士也就成为了神圣猎鹰帝国的强心与利剑!To be a Knight is to be the Heart and Sword of the Holy Falcon Empire !

让你的音乐如一把利剑,刺穿市井中喧嚣的心吧。Let your music, like a sward, pierce the noice of the market to its heart.

阳光象一柄红色利剑,刺透了一层层黑暗。The red knife of light appeared stabbing the darkness through and through.

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你永远都不想学习防御,抯挡敌人利剑的方法吗?Will you never learn how to fence, how to block the sword of the opponent?

梦境国度的逃难者,思想锋锐如利剑银刀。Refugees from the realm of dreams whose minds are as sharp as their swords.

这句话象一把利剑刺透了我,似乎把我私下的不忠不义揭露了出来。This pierced me like a sword, and seemed to lay bare my private disloyalty.