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这家人突遭横祸。Misfortune lighted upon the family.

上海突现路面塌陷“坑”来横祸防不胜防。Road section collapses into 5-meter long hole.

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生活在英国和美国的人们可能要开始着手准备应对天外飞来的横祸了。If you live in Britain, the U.S., start preparing now.

生活在英国和美国的人们可能要开始着手准备应对天外飞来的横祸了。If you live in Britain, the U. S. , start preparing now.

他家发生了火灾,这真是飞灾横祸啊。A fire broke out in his house, a really unexpected disaster.

当我们的领袖惨遭横祸还会有什么样的国家安全?What kind of national security do we have when were robbed of our leaders?

当我们的领袖都惨遭横祸,还会有什么样的国家安全?!What kind of national security do we have when we're robbed of our leaders?

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意外横祸,使他身受“腐刑”,但他并没有被逆境击倒。Henghuo accident made him seriously, "Fu Xing", but he was not knocked down by adversity.

幸运的是,我的弟弟艾伦是几年前出生的,现在他已经可以开始工作了,不用遭那横祸。Luckily, Aaron was borna few years ago. Aaron is my little brother and he is already old enough tostart to work.

那时的奥巴马才六岁,像很多和他一样崇拜马丁路德金和肯尼迪的人一样,他通过报纸了解到了这场横祸给这个国家带来的创伤。Mr. Obama was 6 at the time, and like many of his admirers, he has only read about the violence that traumatized the nation.

但即使该校的安全措施做得很细,也可能还是难以避免学生惨遭横祸。But no matter how much security measures will be taken, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility of accidents for students totally.

许多年前,美国迈阿密一个农场附近的丛林中有一座别墅,黑人部落族长一家五口突遭横祸,无一幸存,死相惨不忍睹,从此,那座别墅成为人们口中的“凶宅”。Many years ago, there was a villa in the forest near a farm, but it became a deserted house after the murdering of a black clan leader's family.

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债券市场像是通缩性衰退的先兆,若欧洲遭此横祸,无疑收益水平将会承压。If Europe suffers from the kind of deflationary slump that bond markets seem to be presaging, then profits would undoubtedly come under pressure.

如果一开始就从惨遭横祸的个人角度去思考,那就不会有人认为战争造成的破坏对经济有利。No one could think that the destruction of war was an economic advantage who began by thinking first of all of the people whose property was destroyed.

但是,很容易指出,一些其他创新根本无的放矢,或者吹来横祸,比如拍卖利率证券和债务抵押债券。But it's easy to point to other innovations that serve little purpose or that blew up and caused a lot of collateral damage, such as auction-rate securities and collateralized debt obligations.

但是,很容易指出,一些其他创新根本无的放矢,或者吹来横祸,比如拍卖利率证券和债务抵押债券。But it’s easy to point to other innovations that serve little purpose or that blew up and caused a lot of collateral damage, such as auction-rate securities and collateralized debt obligations.