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那是她的一贯作风。That was always her way.

托马斯,您对小布什一贯非常批判,Tom,,you’ve been very rough on him.

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作为足球评论员,我一贯都是很冷静的。As a punter , I'm pretty cool.

她上夜校一贯按时出席。She's a regular attender at '.

他一贯变化无常。He's always chopping and changing.

这是我们一贯的主张。That has been our consistent stand.

他们一贯侈谈世界和平。They always cant about world peace.

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我们的立场是一贯的、明确的。Our position is consistent and clear.

我们一贯得到相同的结果。We consistently get the same results.

他一贯堂堂正正地谋生。He has always earned an honest living.

他一贯在做他的家庭作业。He has found itself doing his homework.

同时,需求面看上去一贯强劲。Meanwhile the demand side looks strong.

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你们俩真是太仁慈了,亲爱的亨利——而且是一贯如此呀!How kind you both are, dear Henry--always!

带着一贯的热情与渴望,奔向胜利。With their usual passion and desire to win.

近来我的胸口一贯发痛。I've been having pains in my chest recently.

这是我们一贯奉行政策。This is a policy we have pursued consistently.

我们一贯是说话算数的。We always mean what we say do what we promise.

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有没有人厌倦了一贯的到秀水街购物呢?Anyone tired of the same old Xiu Shui shopping?

追求卓越的品质是帕诺人一贯的准则!Excellent quality is our persistent guide line!

尼赫鲁以他一贯的大度之风作了回答。Nehru responded with characteristic generosity.