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而且,其可选配件也堪称无与伦比。And the options -- incomparable.

未来喜新厌旧的速度无与伦比。Nothing gets old as fast as the future.

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这鸟的美丽是无与伦比的。This bird cannot be paralled for beauty.

美丽的泻湖是无与伦比的。The beauty of the lagoon is unparalleled.

我喜欢多明戈,他的声音无与伦比。I like Domingo, his voice is second to none.

这个国家白勺风景无与伦比。The scenery of this country is unparalleled.

其结果就是军队拥有无与伦比的军事技能。The result is a military of unsurpassed skill.

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列奥纳多达芬奇的无与伦比的绘画作品。The incomparable paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.

他组织战争的经验是无与伦比的。The husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance.

啊,那种快乐,那次无与伦比、销魂夺魄的享受!Ah, the joy, the incomparable rapture of that time!

对于英特尔,它的处理器是无与伦比的。As for Intel, its manufacturing machine is peerless.

全面性战略接缝无与伦比的流动性。Allover strategic seaming for uncompromised mobility.

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作为一名歌剧演唱家,卡鲁索无与伦比。As an opera singer, Caruso was in a class of his own.

还有什么样无与伦比的道歉你用过或者被它感动过?What unique apologies have you given or been moved by?

在无与伦比的页中,点击增加把新的大声叱骂-加入。In the Standalone page, click Add to add a new snap-in.

旧金山在我心里是无与伦比的。San Francisco's hard for me to compare anything else to.

在外交史上这是无与伦比的。There is nothing comparable to it in diplomatic history.

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这批藏画在世界上无与伦比。This collection of paintings has no rivals in the world.

在这方面,荒谬无与伦比的快乐就是创造之娱。In this regard the absurd joy par excellence is creation.

因为你邂逅了这美的无与伦比的天湖岛。Because you encounter this beautiful unique Tianhu Island.