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苹果本周又涨价了。Apples are up again this week.

不要对涨价没完没了地发牢骚了。Stop beefing about the price increase.

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所有的涨价都会彼此抵消。All the markups would cancel each other out.

明年公共汽车费和出租车费要涨价。Bus and taxi fares will be raised next year.

为什么春节期间总是涨价呢?Why do prices always go up during Spring festival?

出租车费下个月要涨价。The charge for the taxi will be increased next month.

必胜客已在5月悄然涨价1-5元。Pizza Hut also raised the prices between RMB1-5 in May.

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改变所得税法的消息传来,各种东西突然涨价了。Prices were bumped up at news of changes in the income tax laws.

另一个山核桃涨价的主要原因是来自亚洲的巨大需求量。A bigger reason for high pecan prices is strong demand from Asia.

这意味着用于购买日益涨价的食品和汽油的钱少了。This means the less money to pay an ever-rising food and gas bill.

在百物涨价的时候,我觉得料理家务真不容易。I found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up.

而且,他们给你拿上来的都是疯狂涨价的特别菜单。Plus, they bring out a special menu where everything is overpriced.

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所以大多数年份,养猪户从不奢望大夏天里生猪还能涨价。So most years, pig farmers pigs never can expect big summer prices.

阿伟说,涨价会把卖家逼到实体店里去。Ah Wei said the price the seller will go into just a physical store.

在涨价受害者眼里,商人变成了牟取暴利的奸商。They become “profiteers” in the eyes of those hurt by rising prices.

比如,林登·约翰逊抨击那些涨价的钢铁制造商毫无爱国心。Lyndon Johnson attacked steelmakers who raised prices as unpatriotic.

百物涨价时,她觉得料理家务很难。She found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up.

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许多商场超市都无盐可售,另一些则采取了涨价或限量供应的措施。Many stores ran out, while others raised prices and rationed supplies.

奥尼尔说,涨价反映了劳工成本和原材料成本的上涨。She said the increases reflect higher costs for labor and ingredients.

利润在这样的涨价之风中越显微薄。The business profit is more and more scanty in the storm of the price.