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主要监测对象为重点村的农户。Targets are households in key villages.

一天农户的一头驴子不小心掉到井里了。One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well.

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因此卡弗认为必须要到农户中去办学。So Carver decided that the school must go to the farmers.

刘洪自己住在一个农户的茅草屋里面。Liu Hong had installed himself in one of the farmers' huts.

分家析产是农户家庭生活中的重要事件。The household division is an important thing in rural family.

丹阳有约20家农户和45公顷瓜田受到影响。About 20 farmers and 45 hectares around Danyang were affected.

他是个小农户,很穷的庄稼人,勉强维持生计。He is a small farmer a very poor farm er barely making a living.

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农户们掌握了这项技术,那么就没有人能从他们身上夺走它。Farmers manage this technology, so no one can take it away from them.

附近的农户对匪徒之残毒恨之入骨。The thugs' cruelty is the pet hate of the farmers in the neighbourhood.

大多数农户的综合功能效益水平则较低,尚有较大的潜力。Results showed that only a few farm households reached high levels of IFE.

农户结构的变化对日本农协的组织产生了深刻影响。These changes had profound influences on Japan Agricultural Co-operatives.

农户是植保经济系统的一个组成部分。The farmer is one of the components in the plant protection economic system.

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他走进一家魏姓农户,通过他们的个人经历,发掘这些年中国的变化。He explores these changes through the personal experiences of the Wei family.

从前,有家农户养着两只小牛犊,他们是这家的成员。Once upon a time, there were two calves who were part of a country household.

那里的后院养殖者和农户实在太多了,”她说。There are simply too many backyard farmers and village households," she said.

这是第一次,小农户从CMIA程序加纳利润。For the first time, smallholder farmers from Ghana profit from the CmiA program.

“这其中很多是由小农户用小水井抽取的,”比尔肯斯说。"A lot of this is abstracted by small farmers with small wells, " Bierkens said.

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关闭的喜悦谢文东水果农户估计在手持系数。Farmers off the wow gold fruits of joy to reckon the coefficient on the handheld.

方法对山西省曲沃县某乡的30家农户进行结构性访谈。Methods Structure interviews were made to 30 peasant families in Shanxi province.

农户道德风险行为的发生是导致安全农产品有效供给不足的重要原因。Farmers moral hazard behavior results in the inefficient supply of safe agri-food.