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关于这一点,社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿就是现成的例子。Just ask Paris Hilton.

大多数人宁愿买现成的衣服而不自己缝制了。Most people prefer buying to sewing.

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为什么不能用现成的STL和ATL呢??Why aren't you using STL or ATL yet?

人们可以买到现成的玻璃暖房。You can buy your greenhouse ready-made.

他们从商店里买来现成的东西。They buy things alread made at he shops.

我只想买一些现成的衣服。I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes.

我只想随便买一些现成的衣服。I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes.

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你的外套是定做的还是买现成的?Is your overcoat made to order or ready made?

你知不知道“现成的”是什么意思?。Do you even understand what "off-the-rack" means?

呵呵。主机是现成的,公司的都行。Ah. Lead plane is off-the-peg , of the company go.

在去的路上,我们喝了现成的琴汤尼酒。On the way we were given readymade gin and tonics.

现成的或预先开发的脚本是可取的。Readymade or pre developed scripts are Preferable.

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你们有适合我穿的现成的衣服吗?Do you have any ready-made clothes that will fit me?

他的,当然一个好的现成作出家里做饭。That he, naturally a good ready-made home-cooked meals.

你完全可以出去买一张现成的空白画布了事。You could just go out and buy a ready-made blank canvas.

他将祂们呈现成,不值得我们崇拜。He presents them as beings who are unworthy of our worship.

它还需要有现成的制度和训练有素的劳动队伍。It also needs systems in place and a disciplined workforce.

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有个现成的书楼遗赠给你,那无疑是一桩快事。It is no doubt a pleasant thing to have a library left you.

说它容易是因为您已经有了现成的应用程序设计。It is easier in that you already have an application design.

你也可以买现成的圆木榫。You can also buy readymade dowels from mail-order suppliers.