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右为西方世界阿弥陀佛。Right is Western world Amida Buddha.

得闻阿弥陀佛名号。Who hear the Name of Amitabha Buddha.

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阿弥陀佛,好,好,让我想想。Amitabha . All right, all right. Let me think.

为什麽观世音菩萨头顶坐的是阿弥陀佛?Why is Amitabha sitting above Guan Yin Bodhisattva?

阿弥陀佛是五方佛之一。Amitabha Buddha is one of the five meditating Buddhas.

只是让我们来祈祷这些口香糖不会把我们变成蓝莓,阿弥陀佛。Let's just hope the gum doesn't turn us into blueberries.

我梦中出现的佛,无疑就是阿弥陀佛!The Buddha in my dream could only have been Amitabha Buddha.

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阿弥陀佛是禅那佛中最年长的一位。Amitabha is the most ancient Buddha among the Dhyani buddhas.

朋友,你看车很大,但为什么没有车牌?阿弥陀佛!Friend, your car look great, but why no number plate? AMITABHA!

以阿弥陀佛殊胜光明,极清净故。Because of the ultimately pure, bright light from Amitabha Buddha.

念阿弥陀佛,回向自己往生西方极乐世界。Or should I not think about anything while chanting Amitabha Buddha?

这样的人是没有意图将他们自己完全信任给阿弥陀佛。Such people have no intention of thrusting themselves entirely to Amida.

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只需要准备好回家,你的慈父阿弥陀佛的家。And just prepare to go back to your home, your father Amida Buddha's home.

阿弥陀佛,阿弥陀佛,接引亡魂直上金桥银桥桥上过,阿弥陀佛。Buddha and Buddha, please hurry to carry the kind away through the bridge.

舍利弗,阿弥陀佛成佛以来,于今十劫。And, Shariputra, since Amitabha realized Buddhahood, ten kalpas have passed.

其有众生欲于今世见阿弥陀佛者。If there are living beings who wish to see Amitabha Buddha in this lifetime.

南无是皈依之意,增强对阿弥陀佛的归宿感。Is there any difference between "Namo Amitabha Buddha" and "Amitabha Buddha"?

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上人、各位法师、各位佛友,阿弥陀佛!Venerable Master, all Dharma Masters, and all friends in the Dharma, Amitabha!

保佑你们,保佑我们,保佑大家,是阿弥陀佛也是哈利路亚。Bless you, bless me, and bless everyone – this is Amitabha, and also Hallelujah.

他于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。When he died in 975 AD at the age of 72, Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land.