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玉米丝黑穗病菌不能侵染高梁。Head smut fungus from corn did not infect sorghum.

小枝中的病原菌为黑斑病主要初侵染来源。The original infection pathogen was mainly in twigs.

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PVY和CMV等病毒可以对烟株进行复合侵染。The tobacco may be infected by PVY and CMV coinstantaneous.

侵染线是由寄主细胞的细胞质形成的。An infection thread is formed by the cytoplasm of the host cell.

方法用蔡氏琼脂子板法测定霉菌污染率和侵染率。Methods The mouldflora were detected by Czapek agar plate method.

与其他两个生理小种相比,生理小种2更具侵染性。Compared to the other two, physiological race 2 was more infested.

至此,用于侵染黄孢原毛平革菌双元载体系统构建完成。Till then, a complete binary vector system was finally constructed.

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生草能够促进丛枝菌根的形成,并提高其侵染率。Sod-culture can promote AMF formation and enhance its infection rate.

其迷人的旋转开盖保护细菌和污垢不侵染杯口。Its inviting twist-off cap shields the mouthpiece from germs and dirt.

结果表明,色素体是海带受侵染初期最为敏感的细胞器。The results show that the pigment body is the most sensitive organelle.

水稻病害的侵染会导致减产甚至绝收。Rice bacterial blight and Rice blast are the most important rice disease.

海藻糖酶活性在侵染初期也明显降低。The activity of haemolymph trehalase also decreased in infected silkworm.

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涂鸦、垃圾和漠视侵染着这日渐消失的世界遗产。Graffiti, garbage and neglect plague the deteriorating World Heritage site.

结果表明,西瓜幼苗根毛区是枯萎病菌最易侵染的部位。The results showed that the root hair zone was the most susceptible region.

板栗腐烂由生理病变和微生物侵染所致。Physiological diseases and microbial infection make Chinese chestnut putrid.

接着一丝丝的冰凉开始在从掌心游离开来,侵染我的整个身心。Then a little cold start from free from infection in the palm, my whole body.

土壤肥力高或过低均不利菌根菌的侵染。The trees planted in both fertile and sterile soil had lower percentage infection.

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FN95-1702与P7由于受到病毒的侵染,甘蔗糖代谢较为混乱。The FN95-1702 and P7 were infected by SrMV, so the glucose metabolism was confused.

病残组织中的卵孢子是初次侵染来源。The oospores in the residues of diseased plant are the source of primary infection.

不同地区采集的蒙古韭菌根侵染率不同,由8。There are differences in colonization rates between different sites, ranged from 8.