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手表完全恢复正常。All warm good.

一切都正常。And everything was fine.

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权当这些是正常时间。Call these normal times.

她生理上一切正常。She's a-okay physically.

贸易逆差有升有降,这很正常。It goes up, it goes down.

适合正常发质电发使用。Uniquely for normal hair.

较真之后,一切正常!After earnest, all normal!

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首先,它可能正常工作了。First, it may have worked.

肠鸣音正常。Satisfactory sound normal.

这里看上去挺正常的,哈姆说。That's normal, Hammer said.

有白带是正常的。There leukorrhea is normal.

白痴的智商低于正常水平。An idiot has a subnormal IQ.

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推进器工作的很正常。But the thrusters work fine.

您的月经正常吗?。Do you menstruate regularly?

每个人都是正常的。Everyone wants to be normal.

但,它听起来绝对不正常!It sounded absolutely barmy!

咁点变返正常?。Point change back to normal?

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DTMF是不能正常工作。DTMF is not working properly.

当时我的情绪很不正常。I was in a really weird mood.

传送带可以正常工作吗?Is the conveyor belt working?