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梵蒂冈城可谓是“麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全”!Vatican City is all grown up.

约瑟夫·施拉格是一名身兼肝胆和胰脏科的医生。Joseph Shrager is a Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic surgeon.

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临阵一吹,就可以先声夺人,震破敌人的肝胆!Cold wind, you can break the enemy's attack, hepatobiliary!

巨结节型之肝胆道结核菌感染是非常罕见的。The macronodular form of hepatobiliary tuberculosis is rare.

肝胆兮相照,和平兮中国。Liver being bosom-friends with courage, makes peace with Chinese.

目的总结肝胆结石的外科治疗经验。To summarize the experience of surgical treatment of hepatobiliary gallstones.

只有控制病毒不复发,不然会损害肝胆脏的。Only control virus does not have a relapse, can damage courage otherwise dirty.

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目的评价外科手术在肝胆管结石治疗中的作用。Objective To evaluate the effect of surgery in the treatment of hepatolithiasis.

目的提高外伤性肝胆胰脾损伤的治疗效果。Objective To improve the treatment of hepatobiliary, pancreatic and splenic injury.

眼睛发黄通常说明肝胆用病。你的小便是什么颜色?Yellow eyes mean some disease in your liver or gallbladder. What's color in your pise?

笔者报道了96例施行肝胆手术的老年糖尿病病人的护理。The author analyzed the nursing of 96 old diabetics undergoing the operation of liver and gall.

结论肝胆管结石病的临床病理分型是一种科学、合理的分型方法。Conclusion Our clinical pathologic staging is a reasonable typing method for intrahepatic stones.

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肝胆系统和胰腺感染是腹部外科的常见病。Objective To examine the penetration rates of 7 antibiotics into the liver and pancreatic tissues.

现代医学认为黄疸与肝胆、胰腺病变有密切的关系。Modern medicine consider jaundice are closely related with liver and gallbladder, pancreas diseases.

因此,肝胆在生理和病理上不能完全分离。Therefore, the liver and gallbladder cannot be completely separated physiologically and pathologically.

方法采用B超检查2032例华支睾吸虫病患者肝胆有无异常。Method 2032 cases of clonorchiasis were diagnosed by B ultrasonic examination of liver and gall bladder.

以肝胆扫描诊断急性胆石性胆囊炎出现伪阴性报告的机会并不高。False-negative results of hepatobiliary scans for the diagnosis of acute calculous cholecystitis are rare.

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目的总结纤维胆道镜在肝胆管结石术中术后治疗中的经验。Objective To summarize experience in intraoperative and postoperative cholangioscopic for hepatolithiasis.

目的总结肝胆术后胆疾的外科治疗经验。Objective To summarize the experience of surgical therapy of biliary fistula after hepatobiliary operation.

目的探讨肝胆管结石并胆管癌的早期诊断与治疗方法。Objective To probe into the method of early diagnose and treatment of cholelithiasis with bile duct carcinoma.