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都是体内有淤血的表现。Is in vivo has the extravasated blood performance.

以一片片荚果放飞曾经鲜嫩如淤血似的种子。And letting go of the seeds once blue-blooded like gore.

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驱散淤血,止住疼痛,促进血液循环。Stop congestion and bleeding. Promoting the circulation of blood.

用于治疗跌打损伤、淤血肿痛,以及各种皮肤感染疾病。For bruises, bruising, swelling and pain and various skin diseases.

以实质器官淤血、出血、变性和胃肠炎为主要病理变化。The major pathological changes were extravasated blood in parenchymal.

皮肤过敏,有淤血的疤痕怎么消除?Skin allergy, how is the scar that there is extravasated blood eliminated?

掌握淤血的概念,原因,病变与后果。The master the conception, cause, pathological changes and sequal of congestion.

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掌握淤血的概念、原因、病变、与后果。To master the conception , cause, pathological changes , and sequal of congestion.

他脸上的淤血是癌症引起的,癌细胞已经入侵了他的眼眶。The bruising on his face is from the cancer, which is invading the orbit of his eye.

他的利斧从里面放出深紫的淤血和姜汁状的脑浆。Before his axe released from it purplish blood clots and ginger-juice-colored brains.

冠心病、脑出血等,皆与淤血有关。Coronary disease, cerebral hemorrhage and so on, all concern with the extravasated blood.

术后复查有1例病灶残留,皮肤淤血5例,局部血肿7例。Subcutaneous ecchymosis was found in 5 patients and hematoma in 7 patients after operation.

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心脏搭桥手术后半年后肺部有淤血事什么原因?。Does lung have extravasated blood? The likelihood is heart function not complete be caused by.

我的隐私部位为什么老流淤血呢,请告诉我,月经早过去了!Why does my privacy place often shed extravasated blood, tell me please, menstrual early past!

掌握充血及淤血的概念,原因,病理变化及对机体的影响。To master concept, causes, pathologic changes, and effects to body of hyperemia and congestion.

暗红色淤血区表示肝小叶中心区的红细胞积聚。Note the dark red congested regions that represent accumulation of RBC's in centrilobular regions.

因为激光会减少出血,所以手术后的淤血和肿胀情况会减半。And because the laser eliminates bleeding, post operative bruising and swelling is reduced by half.

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老年人摔伤眼眶,现在还有淤血还有些肿怎么办?Old people casts rim of the eye, is there still extravasated blood now a little swollen still how to do?

为什么手指骨折了过段时间指甲里会出现淤血?Why had hand phalange lost occurrence extravasated blood of paragraph of the meeting in time fingernail?

放气太慢则使前臂淤血,造成舒张压读数增高。Deflates too slowly causes forearm extravasated blood, creates the diastolic pressure reading to advance.