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就在此时,九门的各位出手相助。Just then, nine door of your help.

我们都感谢你不吝相助。We all appreciate your unstinting help.

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凡有不公正的地方,我们都竭力相助匡正。Wherever there is injustice, we try to help.

每个人的生命中都有一些贵人相助。Some people come into your life for a reason.

我们为他的慷慨相助向他道了谢然后离开了。We thanked the man for his kind help and left.

青史册册,人才辈出,各领风骚,谁人相助Every ten years a great man Who paid the piper?

望才之人能相助,在下感激不尽。Hope to people can help, next is deeply grateful.

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我们有实际的理由、也有道义的理由出手相助。We have both a practical and a moral reason to help.

他坚信有她相助,定能够打出一片天。He believes that had her help, settle can hit one day.

理查森又一次出手相助,但丽蒂茜娅很快又山穷水尽。Richardson helped again, but Pilkington was exhausted.

没有别人从旁相助,多好的想法都不会成真。Rarely can great ideas happen without the help of others.

一个在患难中拔刀相助的朋友,是位真实的朋友。A friend who comes to help in times of need is a true friend.

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你的志向将很可能得到贵人相助,获益也将随之而至。Help with your aspirations is likely, and profits could follow.

巴基斯坦的传统援助国尚未出手相助。But the country's traditional donors have not stepped-in to help.

但记住他或她需要你帮忙时,你应该欣然相助。But remember that return the favor when he or she needs your help.

如果有人提出了一个问题,你又刚好能回答,那就拔刀相助呗。If someone comes up with a question you can answer then go for it.

如果狼攻击你们,我们多半会来相助。If the wolves attack you, we will come to your aid a11 probability.

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危急时刻,蓝凌相助杨明灭了右长老。The critical moment, blue Ling Yang flash right to help the elders.

杜思曼为了感谢吴彦斌相助,特地请他吃饭。DuSiMan in order to thank WuYanBin help, specially asked him to dine.

全国人民毫不犹豫地倾囊相助??People all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can ?