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那时我在一个温泉浴场。I was just in a spa.

是第三海水浴场。This is the third beach.

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这是上好的海滨浴场。This is a fine bathing beach.

我们下星期去海水浴场吧。Let's go to the beach next week.

在礁石海水浴场里浮潜。Swimmers snorkelling in rock pools.

真是一个很好的海水浴场。It's really a nice place for bathing.

顺便可以到第二海水浴场。By the way can go to the second beach.

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顺便可以到第二海水浴场。Incidentally, can go to the second beach.

海水浴场吸引了很多人。The swimming resort attracts many people.

我们在海滨浴场玩得很开心。We have a good time at the bathing beach.

东端碧水金沙,优良浴场。East End blue water Jinsha, excellent beach.

她在那家浴场中心做按摩技师。She works as a masseuse at the bathing center.

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东端碧水金沙,优良浴场。East end blue water Jinsha, fine bathing place.

松树林度假村有八个高尔夫球场,一个温泉浴场。The Pinehurst Resort has eight golf courses and a spa.

湖滨浴场尽显海滨神韵。The lakeside beach has the essence of seaside beaches.

酒店的温泉浴场内设有一个美容院、桑拿、按摩浴缸。Guests can get a relaxing massage at the Dewi Kunti Spa.

他发现他常常在端详浴场上的那些花花公子。He found himself looking at the young bucks at the bath.

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金银滩浴场位于京唐港东侧。Jinyintan bathing place Located at Jingtang Port east side.

那些人似乎从来不曾到过海水浴场。Those people seemed never to have been to the beach before.

同时它是非常有用的治疗夫人的面部和温泉浴场。Also it is very helpful for lady's facial and spa treatment.