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春意盎然。Spring is in the air.

时下已是春意盎然。Spring was in the air.

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春意盎然。Spring is very much in the air.

好一派春意盎然的景象啊!Ah good picture of school of spring!

在春意盎然之时人们坠入爱河,这有什么奇怪的?Is it any wonder that people fall in love in the springtime?

这是一个春意盎然的季节,就像我们所拥有的青春一样,充满生机和活力。This is a season of spring, as the youth we have, full of vigor and vitality.

5月的布加勒斯特,绿树成阴,春意盎然。In May, the trees make a pleasant shade and spring is in the air in Bucharest.

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如今她眼见自己已是人生的暮秋,而她的儿子却是春意盎然。For now she saw herself in the autumn of her life, while it was spring for her son.

室内装饰以体现春意盎然的清新色调为主,配上毛绒材质和木质家具更能突显你的品味。Combine spring colors and earth tones with plush materials and wooden-framed furniture.

一方面肩负艰巨的政治使命,另一方面却是春意盎然的趣味生活。Liang takes a arduous political burden , on the other hand, pursues a vivid tasteful life.

幸福是在春天的原野,看春意盎然,蝶舞翩跹。Happiness is the prairie in spring, seeing a spring idea full of life, the butterfly dances.

对于我们来说生意一直不错。眼下汽车行业可以说是春意盎然,前景大好。Business is going pretty well for us. The automobile industry right now is kind of blossoming again.

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对于我们来说生意一直不错。眼下汽车行业可以说是春意盎然,前景大好。Business is going pretty well for us. The automotive industry right now is kind of blossoming again.

阳春三月,本该是春暖花开,春风和煦,春意盎然的好时节。Yangchun in March, which was supposed to the warmth of spring genial spring and spring is a good season.

一个春意盎然的天气里,我带着修剪工具想要把果树多余的树枝修剪一下。And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with a pruner and lopped off a few errant branches.

蝴蝶翩翩起舞,小草们都昂起了头。春天是春意盎然的季节。The butterflies dance in the air, grass and plants raise their heads. Spring is a season of freshness and greenness.

在这春意盎然万物复苏的时间,伴随着温暖的春风,我校第二届体育节正迈向我们走来!With every creature coming into life in the spring breeze, our school's second sports festival is approaching to us.

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曾经被冰雪覆盖的树,灌木和花朵都重新长出了绿叶,一派春意盎然。The trees and bushes and flowers which had been covered by ice grew green leaves once more, and springtime bloomed anew.

没有必要疯狂购物,几件重头的衣物和配饰就可以使你的衣橱变得春意盎然。There's no need for a shopping spree, a few key items or accessories can transform your wardrobe into a spring sensation.

这些天,“阿拉伯之春”已然演变成“阿拉伯的镇压之冬”,不过摩洛哥倒还是春意盎然的样子。These days, as much of the Arab Spring has faded into an Arab winter of repression, Morocco still feels fairly spring-like.