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他是一个黑头。He is a fathead.

我也是有黑头的…I also have blackheads.

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这个就是我们常说的鼻部黑头。This is what we often say nasal blackhead.

怎么去鼻子上的黑头,和毛孔粗大?。How to go the black head on nose, with pore bulky?

用柠檬可以很容易的去掉黑头。Removing blackheads can easily be done with lemon.

试试,它会在瞬间去除你的黑头。Try this one. It cleans your blackhead in a flash.

配合黑头导出精华效果更佳。Better effect together with blackhead-educing essence.

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完美的面部肌肤,怎么能被黑头干扰呢?Perfect facial skin, how can be blackhead interference?

所以说小苏打去黑头的说法其实不现实。So saying sodium bicarbonate julep is in fact not true.

因而,“去黑头”仿佛成了良多人逐日必做的“作业”。Thus, "julep" as many people into a daily routine "job.

这是我们所用过的凑合黑头皮肤的最最好的产品了。This is the best product for blackheads that we've found.

其实在家也可轻松地去除难看的黑头。Try a simple home remedy to get rid of unsightly blackheads.

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阿穆隆最后还取得了该栏目提供的雅茚去黑头套装礼盒一份。Amulung finally made the supply of INDENE julep a gift package.

对抗细菌,在鼓出前,消除痤疮和黑头!Attacks bacteria to kill acne and blackheads before they start.

感觉不管去黑头仍是去痘、美白都没什么效果。Feel whatever julep is still have no blemish, whitening effect.

而且经常季节性的全脸爆发粉刺和黑头。I also have occasional breakouts and blackheads all over my face.

肃清黑头,还能是你脸上的痘痘立刻消肿!Eliminate blackheads, acne can be immediate swelling of your face!

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黑头通常显示为小,黑洞的皮肤表面。Blackheads generally appear as small, black holes on the skin's surface.

坚持几次,不只可以去除黑头,而且可以收缩毛孔。Adhere to the times, not only to remove blackheads, and can shrink pores.

不能每日使用,根据个人黑头情况酌情使用,建议每周使用1-2次。Suggested each week uses 1-2 time if it is necessary. Don't use everyday.