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的5.回避微妙话题。Avoid subtlety.

回避送衣服、香水。Avoid clothes or perfume.

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此刻我正回避的是什么?What am I avoiding right now?

颤抖的尸体回避著阳光。Shivering carcass shuns the light.

那是典型的回避行为。That’s typically evasive behaviour.

这个问题不应该回避。This question should not be dodged.

转移或者回避敏感话题。Deflect or evade the sensitive ones.

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我语塞,支支吾吾地回避了她的问题。I'm serious. I avoided her question.

谨言的人应回避这种说法。The careful speaker should avoid it.

但作者回避的主要点。But the author evades the main point.

他总是回避我,好像我是瘟神一样。He tries to avoid me like the plague.

问题是明摆的,我们想回避也回避不了。The problem is staring us in the face.

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回避!那个机动动作真是疯了!Evaded ! That's some crazy maneuvering!

当她被问到直接的问题时,她总设法回避。When asked a direct question,she dodges.

关于申请回避的审查决定。Deciding on the application of challenge.

译〕智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.

他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。He tried to evade the embarrassing question.

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从那以后,两口子一直回避着新闻媒体。Since then, the pair have avoided the media.

回避特定行为避免欺负行为。Avoid certain behaviours to prevent bullying.

或者更糟糕的,你会干脆回避他们吗?Or worse of all, do you avoid her altogether?