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用抗风雨的油漆把棚子漆一漆。Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint.

商人们搭起棚子开始营业。Tradesmen carried on their business in booths.

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我设法弄来点材料搭个棚子。I managed to scrounge the materials to build a shed.

在棚子里我看到一些鹿茸摆在一个架子上晾着。In the shed I saw antlers set out on a stand to air.

他重新从木棚子里收拾好了背包和泥刀,还从卧室抽屉里拿出了一个.32口径的边缘发火枪。He also took the .32 rimfire from his bedroom drawer.

为了遮阴避阳,他们在甲板上做了个小型的竹棚子。For shelter, they made a small bamboo hut on the deck.

棚子的门是用几段旧绳子捆住的。The door of the hut was lashed up with pieces of old ropes.

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屋顶上积雪重压使得棚子坍陷。The weight of the snow on the roof caused the shed to collapse.

刚开始宜家的经营场地是在一个曾用于存储牛奶桶的棚子里。IKEA started in a shed that had been used for storing milk churns.

29岁的杜加尔德和她11岁和15岁的2个孩子生活在菲利普和楠茜.加里多屋后搭的简易棚子里,几乎一无所有。Nancy and Phillip Garrido arrested for kidnap of Jaycee Lee Dugard

可是,他们捉住了这一切,关在一所用板子围起来的棚子里!And all this they caught and shut up in a shed closed in with boards!

他们被彻底赶出来,他们的小棚子也被拆掉。They were thoroughly rousted out and their shelters were pulled down.

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我把这一担干草带回家然后放在花园的棚子里。While we were there, we went to their hay shed and got a load of hay.

五分钟后,伊林在泥泞中啪嗒啪嗒地跑回棚子。Five minutes later Ilyin came splashing through the mud to the shanty.

其间有一顶小棚子和帐篷,还有间简陋的淋浴间和厕所。Behind it lay small sheds and tents, a rudimentary shower and outhouse.

他们多数人住在破破烂烂的小棚子里,无一例外是穷人。They often lived in run-down shacks on the farm and were invariably poor.

于是,他把驴牵回了家,把它和其他驴关在了一个棚子里。So he took the ass home, and put him into the stable with the other asses.

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咱们时常玩耍的花园里的那个棚子,已经有很永劫间了。The shed in our garden, in whelloch we often played, has lasted for a long time.

如果你能在燕郊拥有一个很好的工作室,那你为什么要在宋庄租一个小棚子呢?But why rent a tiny shack in Songzhuang when you can have a nice studio in Yanjiao?

一天晚上,有个都柏林步兵连队的士兵到这个棚子里来了,说他曾经在南非看到过巴涅尔。A Dublin fusilier was in that shelter one night and said he saw him in South Africa.