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这个标牌是什么意思?What dose this sign mean?

注意标牌,危机勿进。Look at the sign, danger keep out.

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横杆的正上方有一块标牌。There is a sign-board over the bar.

咱们把清洁日的标牌挂出去吧。Let's put up signs for Clean- up Day.

哪一块标牌表示“不得在此吃喝”?。Which sign means "Don't eat or drink"?

库柏是最有名的汽车标牌之一。One of the best-known badges is Cooper.

亦可以做个标牌放在她的车上或者卧室门上。Maybe a sign on their car or bedroom door.

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这一标牌应清楚而不会引起误解。This mark should be clear enough to avoid confusion.

这些花花绿绿的标牌立在校园里,怪碍眼的。These gaudy signs all over campus are a real eyesore.

你仔细打量围巾,看到了价格标牌。And you're examining the scarf, and you see the price tag.

代表们舞动标牌、翩翩起舞,为他们的提名人而欢呼。Delegates waved signs, danced and cheered for their nominee.

例如,我们的标牌正在以惊人的速度消失。For example, our signs were disappearing at an alarming rate.

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他们想在每间会议室外面定制一个电子标牌。They wanted to customize a sign outside each conference room.

我们说花8s时间,就可以把20个或更少的字的信息放在标牌上。We say use 20 words or less and put posters up for 8 seconds.

可用于粘贴商标牌、薄膜开关和标签。Applications include name plates, membrane switches and labels.

我仔细看了看门上的标牌,上面写着,叙利亚-黎巴嫩教室。I studied the plaque outside the door. The Syria-Lebanese Room.

标牌警告人们不要接近这座危楼。The sign warns people to stay away from the dangerous building.

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待售的标牌还有一块写着雷曼兄弟银行的使命宣言。Also for sale was a sign with Lehman Brothers’ mission statement.

拔出P6板上引气线路跳开关,挂上“请勿闭合”标牌。AIR circuit breaker on the P6 Panel and attach a DO-NOT-CLOSE tag.

将购物小票和商品标牌保存至少两个月。Keep your store receipts and product tags for at least two months.