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那真是件性感的洋装!That's a sexy dress!

我喜爱黑色洋装。I love a black dress.

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你穿那件洋装真好看。That dress looks good on you.

你穿这件洋装很合身。This dress fits you very well.

下一次我要做一件洋装。I'm going to make a dress next.

这洋装很适合她。This dress is suitable for her.

她穿著一件圆点洋装。She's wearing a polka-dot dress.

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妈妈为我量身,要做一套新洋装。Mother measured me for a new dress.

艾美忙得没有时间做自己的洋装。Amy is too busy to make her own dress.

中号的洋装卖得很快。Medium-sized dresses are selling fast.

她不停地注视着那蓝色的洋装。She kept on looking at the blue dress.

你穿那件紧身洋装看起来好高雅。You look so elegant in that tight dress.

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你喜欢这件洋装吗,爱莉丝?试穿看看嘛。Do you like this dress, Alice? Try it on.

她穿了一件有着雷丝滚边的白色洋装。She wore a white dress with a lace border.

她和她妹妹一样的洋装。She has as many dresses as her sister does.

穿著新洋装的小安看起来美极了。Ann looks extremely pretty in her new dress.

女士,打扰一下。你这儿有合乎我尺寸的蓝色洋装吗?Excuse me. Do you have a blue dress my size?

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我能够请你帮我把这件洋装包起来吗?Could I have this dress gift-wrapped, please?

我觉得妳穿红洋装好看。I think that you look good in this red dress.

李昂为丽人挑了一件红色洋装连衣裙。Leon for beauty picked out a red dress dress.