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降服你的遗憾。Surrender your regrets.

我们刚刚将魔女降服。We just exorcise the sorceress.

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你降服于神的计划之下。You’re surrendering to God’s plan.

另外一种意义上的感情游戏就是降服。Another form of game-playing is victim.

使龙虎降服驯顺。Make dragon tiger surrender tame and docile.

使其降服,成了卡查·玛达的主要目标。Its reduction became Gaja Mada's main objective.

骄傲是阻碍我们完全降服的第二个因素。A second barrier to total surrender is our pride.

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这些人物每一位都完全降服于神。Each of these people were fully surrendered to God.

降服的另外一个表现是信靠。Another aspect of a fully surrendered life is trust.

他也被描绘成一个电力饿地降服者。He has also been portrayed as a power hungry conqueror.

我们相疑可以或许大概降服坚苦。We are confident that we can overcome the difficulties.

每个人最终都要降服于某人或某事。Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone.

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无论如何,降服不只是一次即成的事情。Regardless, surrendering is never just a one-time event.

恐惧阻碍我们降服,但爱能除去一切恐惧。Fear keeps us from surrendering, but love casts out all fear.

被推翻的总统被辩论降服.The overthrown president is overwhelmed by the controversy.

现在就是降服的时刻————-降服在神的恩典、爱和智慧中。Now is your time to surrender-to God's grace, love, and wisdom.

菩萨降服了红孩儿,把他带回南海。The goddess vanquished Red Boy and brought him to the South Sea.

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只有如许,一个组合才能降服重重坚苦,展翅高飞。Only then, can the group soar high and overcome any difficulties.

外形如此一般的人定能降服世人的全部人置疑。Appearance so generally people will surrender the world all doubt.

信仰的意思其实就是向基督的声明降服与委身。Fath actually means surrender and commitment to the claims of Christ.