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目前生意萧条不振。Business is slack just now.

萧条的经济使他破产了。The depression smashed him.

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经济萧条一个接一个。One recession after another.

这就是萧条轴心。Hence the axis of depression.

第三章,房地产市场的萧条。Segment three the Housing bust.

这一季生意萧条。Business is slack at this season.

在这个季节生意清淡萧条。Business is slack at this season.

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萧条恐惧并未占得上风。Depression fear did not take off.

1944年,奥特雷撒手人寰,身后萧条。Otlet died in 1944, a broken man.

后来市场就开始变萧条了。Later,the market began to stagnate.

交易沉滞,生意萧条。Business boomed after the depression.

但是,也许,一场萧条才是所需要的。But perhaps a bust is what was required.

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萧条正巧又在一个微妙的时间来临。The recession has come at a tricky time.

萧条的经济终于降至最低点,不再继续恶化。The sagging economy has finally bottomed out.

银行业可能会萧条一段时间。The industry may be hunkering down for a while.

他们担心会再次发生商业萧条。They are fearful of another business depression.

市场崩溃后,华尔街生意日渐萧条。Behind the market meltdowns, business is slowing.

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基本上就能把我们拉出这场萧条了。It literally could pull us out of this recession.

亏弱的讲话者在萧条的山峰上发布了演说。The weak speaker made a speech on the dreary peak.

这生意可是抗得住市道萧条的,热尔卡先生指出。The business is recession-proof, Mr. Zherka argued.