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硬质乳酪?Hard cheese?

她看见乳酪。She sees cheese.

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蛆在乳酪里孳生。Maggots breed in cheese.

谁敢动我的乳酪?。Who dare move my cheese?

我们很难把乳酪分门别类。Cheese is hard to classify.

儿子,去拿我的乳酪。Son, bring in my Camembert.

他们吃面包和乳酪当晚餐。They supped on bread and cheese.

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这把刀是用来切乳酪的。This knife is for cutting cheese.

他用了些乳酪诱捕耗子。He used some cheese to trap the rat.

乳酪加面包能使你满面红光。Cheese and bread make the cheeks red.

所谓新鲜乳酪,就是在食用前有别于陈年品种的乳酪。Fresh cheese is not aged before eating.

适宜搭配浓汁肉菜、羔羊肉、鸭肉及乳酪。Meat with gravy, lamb, duck, and cheese.

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首席长官司咀嚼着廉价的乳酪。The chief chief chewed the cheap cheese.

做成乳酪,优格,或是奶油。Or made into cheese , yogurt , or butter.

我就要法式松软干乳酪。I'll take French Camembert cheese, please.

适宜搭配红肉,各类野味及陈乳酪。Enjoy with red meats, game and aged cheeses.

我们的身体需要一些牛奶,乳酪和酸牛奶。Our bodies need some milk,cheese and yoghurt.

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适宜搭配红肉、野味及味浓的乳酪。Pair with red meats, game and strong cheeses.

我参观整个乳酪制作过程。I observed the whole process of cheese-making.

把一块奶油乳酪放进混铁炉。I place my block of cream cheese into my mixer.