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抱歉胡说了一通。Sorry for the drivel.

她乱骂一通。She damned right and left.

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接着他如狂风暴雨般大谈特谈了一通。He proceeded to talk up a storm.

老板今天著实数落了我一通。The boss really gave me hell today.

你们是否期待我们被收拾一通?So if you're expecting us to be wry?

杰米对杰姬喝酒发了一通火。Jamie to Jackie drinking a fire hair.

我正等着接一通越洋电话。There's an overseas call waiting for me.

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您有一通布莱德·布莱达克打来的对方付费电话。You have a collect call from Brad Braddock.

那屋子里面,正在窸窸窣窣的响,接着便是一通咳嗽。A rustling was heard, and then more coughing.

别抑制你的情感,想哭你就哭一通吧。Don't hold your emotion in, cry if you want to.

我们得叫管道工来通一通下水道。We had to call a plumber to unblock the drains.

有些人是为了打发时间,也许会口不择言地乱讲一通。Some one may babble a lot willingly to kill time.

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把堵赛的管子通一通,让脏水流过去。Unblock the pipe and run the dirty water through.

这片土壤太贫瘠了,想整个儿施一通肥。Want to manure the whole place over, scabby soil.

算了,反正真真假假乱扯一通好了。Well, anyway, true or false chaos to pull a good.

我们有一通陈先生打给王先生的受话人付费电话。We have a collect call for Mr. Wang from Mr. Chen.

一通简报之后,我被介绍给休·罗布纳。After our briefing, I'm introduced to Hugh Loebner.

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教练因该队在比赛中的差劲表现而把队员们狠狠地训斥了一通。The coach cussed the team out for its poor showing.

我们不仅仅是在扔飞镖似的乱选一通,“Inslee说。"We're not just throwing darts here, " Inslee said.

选举前的政治活动简直可以说是胡闹一通。Politics before an election can be quite a fandango.