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大学专科或以上学历。College degree or above.

这是一所音乐专科学院。That is an academy for boys.

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她在一个专科医院工作。She works in a special hospital.

至少2年大学专科教育。At least 2nd year college education.

大学专科毕业或同等学历。College graduate or its education equivalent.

劳永乐是感染及传染病专科医生。Dr Lo is a specialist in infectious diseases.

研究对象为护理专科应届毕业生890人。The sample consisted of 890 junior college graduates.

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这是香港医学专科学院的网站。This is the website for Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.

此外在地拉那有一所美术高等专科学院。In addition there is an Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana.

1992年于湖南省委党校大学专科毕业。He graduated from Hunan Provincial Party College in 1992.

纺织专业专科以上学历或相当的知识结构。College degree or above in Fabric or equivalent knowledge.

有一些医院甚至开设了儿科肾结石专科门诊。Some hospitals have opened pediatric kidney stone clinics.

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计算机科学或相关专业大学专科毕业。College graduate in computer science or related disciplines.

与训练有素的专科医生交谈会有帮助。Talking things through with a training specialist could help.

动力机械、机械工程或机电工程等相关专业,大学专科及以上学历。College at least in major of mechanical engineering or related.

除1例外,另159例耳鼻咽喉专科改装体检飞行合格。Except 1 case, 159 pilots were qualified in the ENT evaluation.

大学或技术类专科院校毕业,工程类专业。University or Technical College graduate, Major in Engineering.

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以大台北地区高中、高职及专科共713人为研究对象。The sample consisted of 713 students from high school in Taipei.

机械化焊接或相关专业专科以上学历。Major in mechanized welding or other related field from colledge.

电大现有普通专科班10个专业1559名学生。TVU 10 existing ordinary college class professional 1559 student.