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杯光酒影掩映下的花红酒绿。The light wine reflects the premium happy.

花红喝下了酒,和沈家门对话。Bonus to drink wine, and Shenjiamen dialogue.

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花红再次被关押了起来,并且将要在三天以后问斩。Bonus again being held up, and will Wenzhan after three days.

正搞定"这个词以前用于提及听到年度花红的消息。“Being done” used to refer to hearing about your annual bonus.

年冬花红的发放取决于公司度的业绩和个人的表现。Bonus is not compulsory, subject to company &individual performance.

在一片混战之中,为了救下来花红,陈三炮重伤。In the confusion, in order to save bonuses, Chen injured three guns.

红色是国花红杜鹃的颜色,蓝色代表和平。Red is the color of Rhododendron State bonus, blue represents peace.

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主要研究了美人蕉花红色素的提取及其稳定性。The characters of red pigment form canna flower were studied in this paper.

在那烟树整齐地春日里,花红点点,煞是诱人。In the smoke of ragged tree spring day, bonus of dots, evil spirit charming.

抚荑三千青丝淡愁,凑出尾尾落瓣花红片片成双。Ask three thousand hair grows pale anxious, make a tail piece of petal bonus.

田明媚在花红酒庄里面帮忙,虽然劳累心中却很是开心。Help in the bright field bonus winery, although the tired heart is very happy.

为了更加的名正言顺,陈三炮想要和花红成亲。In order to be right and proper three guns and bonuses, Chen wants to get married.

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没想到日本人很喜欢花红的花雕,带着花红的酒坛子离开了。Did not expect Japanese love bonus of Chinese wine, and left with the red wine jar.

这是一份充满挑战又有趣的的工作,薪金、奖金、花红可面议。This is an exciting challenge and salary is negotiable with bonus and profit share.

灵儿父亲找到了花红门口,得知原来是王五一行人欺负的灵儿。My father found a red door, that the original is Wang 51 pedestrian bullying linger.

田树才出门去给花红抓药,结果在街上却遇到了陈三炮。Tian Shucai went out to fill in the Street bonuses, the results have met Chen three.

新加坡花红将依照马来西亚花红,半套马币50,一套马币100。Singapore bonus will follow the Malaysia Ringgit RM50 for 0.5 set and RM100 for 1 set.

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花红告诉小五子带着人去门外面保护大当家。The bonus told the five children with people outside the door to protect the big headed.

我国工友今年可以期待更高的工资,更多加班的机会,以及更可观的花红。Our workers can look forward to better wages, more overtime and higher bonuses this year.

绿花红将跳转到正确的托盘,也不会生效,直到您激活它们。Green bonuses will jump to the right tray and will not take effect until you activate them.