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现在只希望宁皇他不识货,能够瞒天过海!I hope King Ning would be cheated.

一个人的骗术纵使能瞒天过海,却瞒不了自己的良心。It's a deception, as far as I can discover.

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让他更加趋于完善,更加趋于隐蔽,去瞒天过海的欺骗所有人的眼睛。He tends to be more perfect, more subtle, go to practise deception deceive all people's eyes.

别认为因为他们是年轻人你便可以瞒天过海,骗骗他们。Don't think just because they are young and inexperience you can pull the wool over their eyes.

妻子渴望无尽温存,与风流潇洒的情夫苟且多年,以为可以瞒天过海。The wife yearns for endless attentive, as old as tasteful and cheesy lover drift along, feel OK practise deception.

奶农和牛奶贩子开始向生牛奶中添加三聚氰胺,目的是在牛奶公司的质量检验中瞒天过海。Dairy farmers and milk traders started adding melamine-laced powder to raw milk in an effort to fool dairy-company quality checks.

企图瞒天过海的黑烟丝厂,终于在警方的重拳出击下现出了原形。The black cut tobacco plant that attempts very clever in deceiving others finally attacked to down appear original shape in the police's heavy boxing.

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由于良多用人单位为了逃避支付赔偿的义务,早已经通过瞒天过海的战术,把财产转移了。Due to a unit of choose and employ persons to escape pay obligation for compensation, have already through the suspected tactics, property transferred.

等到她那涉政的母亲,因患足部关节炎不能开车,瞒天过海给12岁的玛格丽特弄到驾照后,玛格丽特就开车带着母亲到处走。Once her politically connected mother, who had arthritic feet and could not drive cars, finagled a driver's license for the 12-year-old Margaret, she drove her mother everywhere.

等到她那涉政的母亲,因患足部关节炎不能开车,瞒天过海给12岁的玛格丽特弄到驾照后,玛格丽特就开车带着母亲到处走。Once her politically connected mother, who had arthritic feet and could not drive cars, finagled a driver’s license for the 12-year-old Margaret, she drove her mother everywhere.

在老师语重心长的谆谆教导下,我虽然认识到自己的错误,但是抱着侥幸心理,以为能瞒天过海继续犯错,可是被老师发现了。The earnest in earnest under the guidance of a teacher, although I am aware of their mistakes, but the holding chances, that can cover up to continue to make mistakes, but the teacher found.

盟军利用培训挪威语的方式,吸引了德国人的注意力,以瞒天过海的方式,骗得德国军队从诺曼第地区移防出去。By focusing the German's attentions on their activities like Norwegian language training, the Allies were able to deceive and draw German troops away from the actual invasion site of Normandy.

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如果一个骗子,为了短暂的幸福而瞒天过海,去换取一个能同情她、谅解她的人间,那么,那个被她欺瞒的人间,会原谅她吗?If a liar, in order to short-term happiness and sneak it in, in exchange for one can sympathize with her understanding of her human, then the , that by her deception of the earth, will forgive her?

原来,仍未暴露的幕后黑手已经改变了它的攻击模式,使之能够从来自中国的网页上取得恶意代码,并制定了新技术,以瞒天过海。The unidentified writers behind the program have changed its mode of attack, so that it draws malicious code from a web page based in China, and have developed new techniques to avoid being spotted.