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那些从师于我们的现在都超过了我们,这是个莫大的挑战。It was a real challenge that those who had learnt from us now excelled us.

从师学习的道理不能恢复,由此就可以知道了。It is clear that the tradition of learning from the teacher can no longer be restored.

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唉!从师而学的风尚之不能恢复就可想而知了。Alas! It is obvious that the tradition of learning from the teacher can never be retrieved.

擅长油画、美术理论。1938年从师日本油画家,并在横山画室任教。As vice chairman of Tianjin Artists Association, he was expert in oil painting and art theory.

他从师学习国画已经有两年的时间了。It has been 2 years since he started following his teacher to learn traditional Chinese painting.

目前,各级师范教育都在研究和探讨师范生的从师素质培养问题。The work of physical education teachers is the combination of both mental labor and physical labor.

为了不得罪这位大师,他暗中从师于另一位作曲家约翰·申克。In order not to offend the famous master, he took lessons in secret from another compose, Joan Schenk.

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广东开平人,涉猎东西方艺术媒介,早年从师习书画篆刻,历年参加书画展览及获奖。A practitioner of both eastern and western media in fine art, has his works selected for various exhibitions.

天成近年来遨游大自然,生活在漓江山水之中,想必也同样对自然山水风光有过从师到友的过程。In recent years Tiancheng has spent much of his time rambling about the mountainous shore of the Lijiang River.

擅长油画、美术理论。1938年从师日本油画家,并在横山画室任教。Be educated by a Japanese Artist in 1938, he later taught in Harbin University and China Academy of Art and so on.

笔者有幸从师侍诊,受益匪浅,现将古教授诊治骨转移瘤的经验进行整理。I was so lucky to study and benefit from my teacher Pro- Gu. Now I conclude the experience my teacher treat bone metastasis of cancer as follow.

从师于全国口腔颌面外科副主任委员、口腔种植学会会长、刘宝林教授。Studied under the national vice chairman of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, President of the Society of Oral Implantology, Professor Liu Baolin.

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我的曾祖从不追慕各种显学流派,教我居家从师好好读书,我亦因而深知人生荒废于散漫。From my great-grandfather, not to have frequented public schools, and to have had good teachers at home, and to know that on such things a man should spend liberally.

课堂教学技能,既是职前音乐教师职业技能的重要组成部分,也是职前音乐教师具备从师任教能力的基本条件之一。Pre-vocational education of music teachers, which is responsible for the training of classroom-teaching skills, has been the cradle of talent for basic music education.

早年曾在布拉格音乐学院学习小提琴和作曲,后入维也纳音乐学院深造,此间从师于布鲁克纳和克伦学习音乐理论和作曲。Early in Academy of Music studying violin and composition, after the Academy of Music Postgraduate, Congshi here in Karen Bruckner and study music theory and composition.

通过实验的方法对在运动解剖学教学中如何提高学生的学习兴趣、培养学生的从师能力进行了研究。By doing experiments, this paper makes a study on how to increase students' interest and develop their ability to work as teachers in teaching the course of sports anatomy.

本文从师本关注的角度提出了高校管理中“人本管理”的理念,并进一步阐释了“人本管理”中的人性化关怀。This text put forward the "management of human nature" from the attention of the teacher himself in high school, and further explained the humanization concern of" management of human nature ".