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总是瞻前顾后,先把困难摆出来,那你就准备光光一万年吧。He could never get a woman like that in a million years.

你需要培养在瞻前顾后之前开始行动的习惯?You have to cultivate the habit of doing before knowing.

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他处理问题时常常瞻前顾后。He often looks before and after when he deals with problems.

他说,他倾向于退休,但瞻前顾后的。He said he's leaning toward retirement but goes back and forth.

小心翼翼、瞻前顾后、步步为营的做法不再能达到彼岸。The cautious, conservative approach is no longer the way to go.

在实际行动之前要养成瞻前顾后的习惯。Cultivate the habit of surveying and testing a prospective action before undertaking it.

那些迈一步都要瞻前顾后的人可能一辈子只用一条腿就够了。"People who deliberate FULLY before they take a step will spend their lives on one leg".

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晚上睡觉时也是瞻前顾后,左思右想,但始终处于进退两难焦虑无助的状态。Sleep at night is over, but selecting is always in the dilemma of helpless state anxiety.

对于宏图伟业,我们不能因为眼见得目标渺茫,惟恐其困难多多,就瞻前顾后,疑虑重重。Great undertakings are not to be brooded over, lest their difficulty when seen causes despair.

一旦做了决定,就不要瞻前顾后,畏首畏尾,放手去干吧!Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead!

拯救银行业的确是既昂贵又痛苦,但瞻前顾后、吝惜钱包的政府最终会比大胆出击的政府付出更高的代价。This is expensive and painful, but cautious, penny-pinching governments end up paying more than those that tread boldly.

我们所得出的结论是即使你瞻前顾后的过滤掉了许多,机会也仍然有的是。What we found out is that there are still a lot of things to look at and that are available, even if we filter out all those things.

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小说家最爽的一件事就是给自己的角色编名字,不必小心翼翼瞻前顾后,想怎么叫就怎么叫。One of the fun things about being a novelist is inventing names for your characters. You can let your imagination run free, stripped of caution and compromise.

同法国当代史学家的这种自觉和这种魄力相比,在文学研究领域进行跨学科的尝试还显得羞羞答答、瞻前顾后。Contemporary with the French historian of this initiative and this courage than in the interdisciplinary field of literary studies attempt to further, so timid that indecisive.

你认为这个观念也适用于生活吗,也就是说,如果我们只相信自己的直觉,不要瞻前顾后,我们的生活会更加顺畅?Do you believe that this concept applies to life as well, in that, if we just trusted our gut instincts and never second-guessed ourselves, life would run more smoothly for us?

青少年足球队员在日常间的训练中常有犹豫不决,瞻前顾后,患得患失,焦虑不安或者消极厌球、暴躁、冲动等不良心理障碍。Youth football team in the day-to-day training Common hesitant and indecisive, and losses, anxiety or negative disgust ball, irritability, impulsivity , and other adverse psychological disorder.