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美国入侵阿富汗。The US invades Afghanistan.

这使他气恼,那个入侵。It annoyed him, the invasion.

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有军队入侵该国。Soldiers invaded the country.

什么是西拿基立入侵?。What is the Sennarcherib invasion?

我能入侵他们的补给站。I can hack into their supply stores.

诺曼人于一○六六年入侵英国。The Normans invaded England in 1066.

他们称我们的行为是入侵",他说。"They said we were invading," he says.

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他会选择从平坦之途入侵He's going to attack on the easy pass.

去入侵她电话里的的语音信箱,to hack onto her voicemail on her phone

像是葡萄牙兵船的入侵An invasion of the Portuguese Man-of-War

次日,月氏入侵突厥。The next day, Yuezhi invasion of turkic.

在生态交错带边缘管理外来物种入侵。Manage invasive species at ecotone edges.

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夏威夷的原生态因为外来物种的入侵已经变得体无完肤。Hawaii is ground zero for invasive species.

入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。The town was pillaged by the invading army.

当然,并非所有的入侵物种都不好。Not all invasive species are bad, of course.

提供一种非入侵性编程模型。To provide a non-invasive programming model.

启明星辰的天清入侵防御系统。Venus's Tianqing Intrusion Prevention System.

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伊拉克从来没有入侵美国,你这个跳梁小丑。Iraq never invaded the US you clown, and Pres.

巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒入侵了以色列。King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded Israel.

你是个寄生虫入侵的主机。You are a parasites that invades the very host.