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你能通过做善事而事业有成吗?Can you do well by doing good?

见这样一位阿罗汉是件善事。It is good to see such a worthy one.

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喜欢做善事,乐于拿财物接济有困难的人。Like to do good things, and be happy?

这就是为什么我们要做善事。That is why we should do good things.

他以做了许多善事知名。He is known for his many benefactions.

往时的善事会给带来报答。Rewards for past good deeds will be yours.

所以在安息日作善事是可以的。Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.

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这位妇女广创善事,多施救济。This woman was full of good works and alms deeds.

经常性的做善事,匿不匿名都可以。Perform random acts of kindness, anonymous or not.

这对中国未来的增长而言并非善事。This does not bode well for China’s future growth.

从前,在一个国家里,有一位做了无数善事的善心者。Once upon a time there lived in a country a do-gooder.

一旦善事有利可图诗,利益就对善事媚笑起来。Profit smiles on goodness when the good is profitable.

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所以在安息日作善事是可以的。Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

帮助罪恶的灵魂早日转世,成为好的生灵是我应尽的善事。Help a demon transmigrate earlier , tob cne a good one.

从今迈步结善缘,善事,善意,善真。Now move the karma, good, kindness, goodness and truth.

玥知荣为做善事被KK责备,支持荣。He was known to do good honor KK blame, support majesty.

爱情不可是虚伪的。你们当厌恶恶事,附和善事。Let love be sincere. Hate what is evil and hold to whatever is good.

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人们能够看到周围可做的善事,但为什么都不去做呢?How was it that the people can see what's good around and yet not do it.

叫属神的人得以完全、豫备行各样的善事。That the man of God may perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

叫属神的人得以完全,豫备行各样的善事。That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.