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本周一山口疆辞别了人世,享年93岁。Yamaguchi died Monday at the age of 93.

它看起来就像是山口,对吧?So, it looks like a mountain pass, right?

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穿越布里纳山口的汽车旅行令人十分愉快。The bus trip through the Brenner was lovely.

罗氏山口的地下磨坊是很不寻常的景观。The underground mills of Col-des-Roches are unusual.

圣伯纳德大山口连接着瑞士和意大利。The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy.

圣伯纳德大山口连接着瑞士与意大利。The Great St.Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy.

海拔2,473O米,是欧洲最高的山口。At 2470 meters, it is thehighest mountain pass in Europe.

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有关山口勉的健康问题并没有被公布。Details of Yamaguchi's health problems were not released.

戈德温-奥斯仃冰川附近的萨拉山口就是以他的名字命名的。Sella pass, near Godwin-Austen glacier, is named after him.

但是,山口组却屡次越过了这一底线。However, the Yamaguchi-gumi has repeatedly crossed the line.

新木削片机是山口驱动,具有自我饲料销售。Fun new wood is driven by the mountain pass, Self feed sales.

一个主要的战斗发生在西部的凯瑟琳山口突尼斯举行。A major battle took place at Kasserine Pass in western Tunisia.

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战士们扼守住山口,打退了敌人的进犯。The soldiers held the mountain pass and beat back the intruders.

山口勉是大约26万名幸存者之一。Yamaguchi is one of about 260, 000 people who survived the attacks.

凯瑟琳山口教会了美国人如何与德国国防军作战。Kasserine Pass would teach the Americans how to fight the Wehrmacht.

青田石出产于中国浙江省青田县城南郊山口、方山一带矿体中。Qian Tian Stone was produced in Qing Tian County, Zhejiang Province.

面临山口一男的蜜意,大岛由美依然无法回应。Face pass a man honey, by the big island will not be able to respond.

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我们去面试了,听说那公司是在东山口的,还可以。We go to the interview, I heard that it is in the East Pass, you can.

捣麻糬大会是山口组每年的惯例。The mochi-making assembly is an annual tradition of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

山口组的一名高级干部6日下午在神户市的家中举枪自杀。Yamaguchi-gumi, a senior cadres, 6 pm at the home of Kobe shoot himself.