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这番话让我有点猝不及防。This catches me a little off guard.

威尔伯猝不及防的一击,使他成为新拳击冠军。It was a quick kayo, and Wilbur was the new champ.

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这猝不及防的惊变,使我帽子下面的头发都竖起来。The sheer unexpectedness of it made my hair stir under my cap.

面对猝不及防的金融危机,势单力薄难以抵御。By surprise in the face of financial crisis, weak hard to resist.

如我所说,大流行是变幻莫测的,往往令人猝不及防。As I said, pandemics are unpredictable and prone to deliver surprises.

开始相信爱情是突然到来、让猝不及防、无力招架的东西。We come to believe that love is something that sweeps us off our feet.

跳闸是用在螳螂拳功夫风格来捕捉对手猝不及防。Tripping is used in the Praying Mantis Kung Fu style to catch an opponent off guard.

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他把信封打开,猝不及防地,一沓碎纸在他手中散落下去。He opened the envelope, taken by surprise, gave the shredding scattered in his hands on.

心未动,身已远,也许是一场艳遇,似水流年的青春里猝不及防上演。Heart still, no body has far, perhaps is a affair, the youth is unexpected timesong tedium.

表面上,丑猝不及防的崛起,让艺术突然进入了一个审丑的时代。And the rising of the ugliness ostensibly make the art plump in the time to appreciate on it.

谷歌的声明显然令中国政府猝不及防,也令其他大多数国家深感震惊。China's government was clearly caught off guard by Google's statement -- like most of the world.

九年内他们进行了许多行动,很少有事情能让他们猝不及防的。They had conducted so many operations over the past nine years that few things caught them off guard.

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不列颠的外交官们同样也猝不及防,他们说,金诺克的发言还只是猜测。British diplomats were also caught off-guard and cautioned that Kinnock's remarks remained speculation.

或者,它在十字路口的转角处,准备在你猝不及防的时候蹦出来吓你一跳,给你一个惊喜。Or, it in the corner, prepare crossroads in unexpected jumped out when you scare you jump, give you a surprise.

流感的初期阶段很突然,这让健康专家都猝不及防,可能部分原因是由于天气寒冷造成的。The initial phase has been very steep, taking health experts off guard. That might be in part because of the cold weather.

有很多很有说服力的说辞而且成为这方面的专业选手很重要,只有这样别人张口时你才不会猝不及防。There are some eloquent ways of saying no and it's important to become a pro at doing this so you're not caught off guard.

韩志杰带着白三与潘虎拦下日本人的车,可是押车的人却越打越多,让他猝不及防。Jeff han with white three with Pan Hu stopped the Japanese car, but riding to play more and more people, let him off guard.

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这种梦也表示猝不及防,暗示着你遇到了一些始料未及的事。It also represents being caught off guard, suggesting there is something happening in your life that you are unprepared for.

由于日军的猝不及防,经过30分钟的激战过后,营救人员以很小的代价就救出了数百名的战俘。The 30-minute assault surprised Japanese forces and led to the liberation of hundreds of prisoners of war with few American causalities.

他常常凭借我自己的速度、超强的控球技术和有力的左脚进攻让防守球员猝不及防。he often leaving defenders in his wake with a combination of speed, exceptionaldribbling abilities and his effective left-footed strike.